Email Testimony

Dear PM,
After we came across your Q decodes in 2018 I noticed you had some spiritual videos on your website too, so I started listening to them. I came across one where you were teaching a group of women about EH and had a volunteer stand up with her emotional issue that she wanted healing from. I think somewhere you recommended starting with the oldest negative memory we can think of. So I started there.

My oldest memory was from when I was quite young (I grew up in a 5th world country) seeing a dog being stoned to death because it had rabies. It was pretty traumatic. I also dealt with fears of snakes, dogs, rushing rivers, bears, panthers, monkeys, and so on. Those were not phobias. Real issues. I was sent off to boarding school when I was 11 and only saw my parents between semesters after that. I was an EXTREME introvert and being "all alone" in a different country was VERRRY traumatic for me. Most of my issues stem back to that time. Tons of insecurities, not feeling good enough, not feeling attractive, ... No abuse or drugs or anything people might think necessary for a need for EH. I was quite messed up.

After years of these emotions ruling my life with jealousies, need to control, depression, and not being able to open up to people, I began to work on 50 years of emotions one by one. It took a lot of time, but I was very motivated. I could see that it worked! I think I have gotten through most everything in the past, but I use it almost daily for staying clear of any negative emotions as they come up in daily life. If I feel less than clean of negative feelings, I try to root out what it is I'm feeling and deal with it immediately. It is so freeing and I am a new person! I never thought I could be free of jealousy and insecurity!

There is another piece to the healing puzzle. I began recording my dreams 3yrs ago because of you. I didn't have decoding help right at the beginning, but you had said that sometimes the message may be in the meaning of the name. I could easily find out name meanings. He showed me His love by calling me names! Beloved, Dearly loved, Precious, A joyous song, Small strong woman, One who wields a battle sword, The source of a Father's joy, Warrior, Treasured jewel, One who is bound to God. Once I was able to understand some of my dreams He sent me one now and then showing His love for me in actions, showing that He notices me and cares for me. He has been very patient and tender with me. He is my very beloved God!
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