Email Testimony

My wife Wendy was diagnosed with MS about 25 years ago. She is been on Avenex, an interferon, for the MS.

She has had a number of brain MRIs showing lesions and the diagnosis was made 25 years ago from a spinal tap fluid reading.

Wendy found out the results of the most current MRI and her lesions in the brain were gone. The doctor said he would not know the person had been diagnosed with MS by looking at this MRI scan.

Her neurologist said that she would be able to go off of the avenux that she's been taking for 25 years.

Last night she had the following dream, after learning of her MRI results.

"Night of 2/23/2023

I was standing in front of God. I couldn’t see him, but somehow I knew it was God and I said “I am Wendy Mattes and I am here to intercede on behalf of… “
I was going to fill in the names, Yolandi, Harvey, Mason, but then I knew this was bigger than anything or anyone person.
And so I said again “I am Wendy Mattes and I am here to intercede on behalf of the human race.”

We have listen to a number of your healing podcasts, and I have a number of your books.
Dream Interpretation and Divine Healing to mention 2. I feel our prayers and your training healed my wife and God was sending her a dream message last night.

Thank you sir, you help thousands and we are both grateful,

John Mattes
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