Email Testimony

Hi Dave,

First, thanks so much for all you do--I keep up with you daily and have purchased (and read!) several of your excellent books.

Like everyone else, I have a story. I'm 78 (but usually mistaken for being much younger) and struggling with purpose. I'm blessed with great health, a youthful outlook, high energy, and I still work part-time, but for the first time in my life, I find that nothing really excites or interests me, and I'm very lonely. My children (3), all live far away; I live in a city where I moved knowing no one and it has been difficult to make friends; and not long ago I ended a long-term relationship (for the third time). My few friends are near my age, and they're getting sick now, slowing down, etc.

So that's background stuff. I've been having ketamine treatments, and before each treatment, my doctor asks me to set an intention. My intention is always to discern the voice of God and grow my relationship with Him. I haven't had any earth-moving experiences in 3 sessions, but one "interesting" happening after the last session. I have often tried putting the coin on the wall and it always falls down, and each time I think it's a sign of my lack of faith or personal relationship with God. The night after the last ketamine, I was washing the dishes when I felt like maybe God was telling me to put the penny on the wall. First thought: "no that's just me." Next thought: "Well, maybe it is God. I'll try after I finish the dishes." Final thought: "Wait. You think it might be God, and you're saying you'll get to Him after you finish your chore? What are you thinking???" I stopped immediately and got a penny. I walked right up to that wall and put the penny on it, and it didn't fall off. I couldn't believe it. I was giddy. I couldn't stop looking at it. I ran and got my camera and took a picture. I was praying in thanks. I think I forgot to mention--I tend to live mostly in my left brain, and after a short time old Lefty started kicking in. "You put the penny on the wall next to the electric panel," it said. "Probably there's some magnetism in that wall keeping the penny there." I fought that idea, but then Lefty convinced me that it might be true, and I started to doubt. I thought maybe I'd look for a magnet and see if it would stay on that wall. I found a magnet, and as soon as I put the magnet on the wall, the penny fell down. Right. And the magnet fell down, too, immediately. There was no magnetism in that wall; there was just a person there doubting her faith, and I got to witness the immediate result of that.

It has taken me many days and a lot of praying to try again. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, I was "moved" to try again 2 days ago. The penny stayed--and it's still on the wall now, 2 days later. Every time I catch a glimpse of it, I'm amazed again. It's defying gravity--but then God isn't restricted by petty physical laws, is He! Perhaps, this is the beginning of us getting to know each other better--or I should say, me getting to know Him, for surely he already knows every hair on my head. I hope so.

With warm regards,
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