Email Testimony

I follow your Telegram Channel and really appreciate your posts and books. I thought you may be interested in the dream I had last night and what I learned today. I rarely dream or if I do, I don't remember them. Last night I dreamt that my brother, Jeff was in a house sitting in the kitchen on a kitchen chair. He was shooting and killing evil spirits that were coming up the stairs with a shotgun.

This morning I texted him and told him my dream. He called me to tell me that yesterday he met with a man that has spent most of his life in jail and taught him about Jesus. He was sitting in this man's kitchen on a kitchen chair holding a bible while he was teaching him. We are both amazed by this. God certainly does work in mysterious ways.

I will definitely buy and read your Dream Interpretation book since so many people said they started having dreams after reading it. I want more of this. I don't think I need the book for this one though 😊

Thank you for all you do.


Dream Interpretation Made Simple
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