Email Testimony

Dear Praying Medic,

I am moved to share my epiphany that I feel others are going through. I have asked for healing of arthritis in my hips and to date there is no change. The pain can be hard on some days and other days more medium. That being said, I haven’t stopped asking for healing. There will always be others who are worse off and need healing more, but our God is great and we are all precious to Him.

But last night I dreamt that I wrote a long note on a Telegram site saying in essence I was giving up on the truth being told, that justice would be done. Getting my hopes up and no results. Congress spending money everywhere in the world and getting rich themselves with no accountability. Technology being suppressed. My letter was long and heart felt. I said I wouldn’t change one bad group pulling strings for another pulling strings and that there is only one Savior, Jesus Christ.

I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep so I went downstairs and went on to Telegram. There first up to my viewing was a video called The Great Awakening: Bonfire Guy from the YouTube channel. It reintroduced me to things I’d forgotten, and made me see Gods hand in it all. We aren’t supposed to be gliding easily through these times but made stronger and more aware. Then an old timey song popped into my head…..Trust and Obey for there’s no other way…..

This is a condensed version of my dream and I realized like Job that God wants our obedience. To put on our armor and to trust. If we don’t feel the connection, we aren’t listening.

Again I thank you for praying for my healing. The journey may take awhile but I can’t quit.

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