God Loves You... No Matter What

Name: Jessi

Message: Hi Dave, thank you so much for all you do. Been listening since about the beginning of Q. I was listening last week to your podcast about healing and I just wanted to throw in a testimony. One of the parts you talked about was how people don't have to be good enough to receive a healing.
When I was 21 I had a surgery to remove a tumor that left me in sporadic horrible pain that I was not in before the surgery as well as limited movement. 11 years later someone had introduced me to Bethel and I was watching one of their sermons online and Bill Johnson called out God is healing left shoulders, which is where my tumor and pain were. Over the next couple weeks I began to realize the pain had disappeared and I was able to use the arm more than I used to.
But the part I wanted to focus on, the part that really spoke to me, is that I was in the middle of a really bad week. I'm normally a pretty good person, following all the rules, but I was doing some things that week I shouldn't have been doing. I was a kid that grew up in church, but I needed the message that God loves me no matter what. He healed me when I was doing bad things. That moment was the beginning of my real journey of knowing God and walking with Jesus after about 30 years in church not getting that.
The physical healing was awesome, but even better was encountering the unconditional love of God.
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