Forwarded from We The Media (Sun Tzu ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
I know there are so many of you going through dark trials right now whether it’s divorce, sickness, Covid, broken families, loss of someone close to you…

There are many patriots going through the same heartache and loss. I am praying for you to sense God’s love, peace and presence over the next few days and going into 2022. I am praying for healing for you and for those you are close to.

I know it may be difficult but try and give some encouragement and spread joy to someone you know who is suffering silently this Christmas.

Tell them they are loved and remember how much God loves you. Think of the many blessings God has given you in this life. Write them down.

Remember what God did for you by sending His only Son, Jesus into this dark and evil world to become fully human while remaining fully God. He did this for you. You are loved more than you know!

Patriots you are all special people and you are what makes this Country so great!
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