From: Emily
Subject: Divine Healing

Hi Dave,

As my hubby and I listen to peaceful Christmas music on Prescott AZ's "KAHM" station on this magical Christmas Eve, I wanted to let you know how much your work has touched me.

I've been on a 10 year spiritual journey that has taken me from Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" series to books by her New Thought mentors of the early 1900s to books on healing and abundance by Catherine Ponder.

These books opened my eyes to God and the power of envisioning and commanding desired outcomes and healing. As a result, I witnessed three miracles in 2019, including the miraculous healing of my husband's terrifying Polymyalgia Rheumatica at the end of that year.

But it was the most recent part of my journey from Trump to Q and the Anons to the X22 Report to you and Tim Mackie that opened my eyes to Jesus and the Bible. I have read four of your books, and just as I wasn't sure why I bought Catherine Ponder's book on healing (it laid the foundation for me helping my husband), I wasn't sure why I bought your book on Divine Healing — until two months ago.

Then I discovered why: my beloved, angelic, sweetheart dog, Buddy, ingested a lethal dose of rat poison (bromethalin) that causes death by brain swelling and seizures and has no antidote. The veterinarians at Yavapai Emergency Animal Hospital told us — delicately — that he would be beyond hope if he had a seizure. Within an hour he had a grand mal seizure in the veterinarian's arms.

They put him in a medically induced coma to stop the seizures and he was in the ICU for 24 hours with a vet tech stationed by his head every single minute, monitoring and administering meds, swabbing his tongue and putting artificial tears in his eyes and endless other tasks through the day and night.

He was wired up to monitors, intubated, and hooked to an IV and catheters. His long tongue hung out limp on the operating table, his eyes were covered with a blindfold, and his ears were plugged to minimize stress.

It was heartbreaking to see this sweet boy who had been prancing around our yard a few hours earlier lying prone on the table, unconscious. He is only four, utterly dear, very polite, super smart and so full of life… He is a true angel who unexpectedly came to live with us and then changed our lives.

For 24 hours we prayed with what I can only describe as super-human force as our ragged, raw emotions spilled all over everywhere. We each prayed aloud as well as silently, my husband seated with his head in his hands and me pacing wildly all around the waiting room and on the walking paths outside the hospital.

I commanded a 100% recovery and couldn't even entertain a single thought of anything less. It was an extraordinary time. I look back and can't believe the forcefulness of my feelings and of my rejection of everything the vets were implying about Buddy's status. I thanked God repeatedly for reaching down and saving Buddy's life as if it had already happened.

As Buddy lay under blankets on the operating table between me and the lead vet (we were allowed in the triage room when it was quiet), I told her we would be witnessing a miracle from God. She had the saddest eyes as she listened to me and nodded. I told her the worst things in life often turn out to be the most important and best, although it can take years to see it. I don't know where those words came from, but it was a stream of consciousness voicing of something deep inside me.

Every veterinarian on the hospital staff was expecting us to have to put Buddy down… As each one came on for her shift through the day and night, she warned us that we would have to make some very difficult decisions very soon.

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