Forwarded from Jacki Schmidt
I see all the great testimonies on here and I wasn’t going to say anything because mine is quite small— almost silly but it really did happen. I listened to PM and he says you have to practice everyday and start with what you have etc— well I had an Ingrown toenail that had been bothering me for over a week but it was just enough to be annoying and painful by the end of the day—I didn’t need a Dr, just tend it and keep it clean, be careful not to bump it etc. He said practice so I had socks on and just put my hand over the area, released Gods power and commanded it to be healed and grow straight. Then I went on with my day, never thought about it again until that night. I set out to do my usual to take care of it and it was gone. I thought I must have mistakenly picked up the wrong foot so I checked the other toe—but both feet were perfect. That is when I realized something actually happened that morning. Like I said— it’s not like some on here— but it really happened and I’m really thankful.
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