Meant to post this the other day… this came out before the new National Security Strategy guide was written about.

That makes the first NSS to be published before any President’s term.

They’re normally published in the first year of…

The article said, “putting this 2025 NSS out ‘just-in-case Trump wins, he can get an ‘early start.’”

In October, President Trump said, “in less than 5 months, we’re taking our Country back over.”

Mid October to March is 5 months.

The original Inauguration Date in United States History was March 4… changed in 1933.

And here’s an NSS being put out in 2024 by an affiliate of his?

Former National Security Adviser for 45, 3 Star General Keith Kellogg wrote it along with Fred Fleitz, who was Executive Secretary of the National Security Council for 45.

Term limits of the President were unlawfully changed in 1951… nowhere in the Constitution does it say how many terms a President can serve. 🎯💯

FDR was in his 4th term… 13th year when he passed in office.

45-47 keeps right on validating me weekly and monthly 🐂🇺🇸
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