Blair Cottrell
JUST IN - Police release footage of officers neutralizing the transgender shooter who killed multiple children and teachers at a Christian school in Nashville yesterday. @disclosetv
“Transgender” school shooters now.

This is probably a good time to put this out there:

There is no such thing as transgender.
A “transgender” is just a transvestite, the literal definition of which is somebody who dresses up like a member of the other sex. That’s all so-called transgenders are doing at the end of the day, they’re men pretending to be women, or women pretending to be men because they’re deranged, delusional and dangerous.

As a general rule, they’re always addicted to a combination of drugs, including hormone replacement therapy, narcotics and prescription medications ranging from amphetamines to anti-psychotics, which alter their understanding of themselves and of reality.

The continuous exposure, normalisation and outright encouragement of this lifestyle of drug-abuse, sex-obsession, self-mutation and extreme delusions is currently among the most repulsive crimes against humanity, especially when we consider the targeted audience is always children.
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