Just Human ️️️
Eric Ciaramella has been in the news lately. He is also in this filing. "President Trump will challenge [testimony from Intelligence Community witnesses regarding alleged sensitivities associated with the documents, classification status, and claims about…
Defendants want @DrZulauf's submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the related letter to Congress from
@JohnRatcliffe concerning whether...

“[Office of the Director of National Intelligence] officials had politicized or attempted to politicize intelligence, exercised or attempted to exercise undue influence on the analysis, production, or dissemination process of [Office of the Director of National Intelligence]-published intelligence products related to election security.”

"The Court should require the Special Counsel’s Office to produce materials relating to the issues raised by Ratcliffe and Dr. Zulauf because it constitutes admissible impeachment of Intelligence Community witnesses."
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform