Just like the Sussmann trial informed us of:

-Joffe's central role in the AlfaBank Hoax
-got Mook to admit on the stand that Hillary approved the AlfaBank Hoax
-revealed two or three FBI agents were under investigation by the IG and/or the SCO
-and broke the attorney-client privilege that Swamp creatures have relied upon for decades to hide their crimes

I expect that at the Danchenko trial we will learn:

-Details of Christopher Steele's, Orbis Business Intelligence's, and Fusion GPS's role in the Steele Dossier Hoax
-Details about Clintonista Chuck Dolan's central role in the Steele Dossier Hoax
-Admissions from Chuck Dolan about his role and the roles of others
-the reveal of MORE FBI agents under investigation by the IG and/or the SCO
-and details of other investigations that Danchenko has been a source for
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content