Happy Thanksgiving, frens! 🦃

I am truly grateful for the community we have here regardless of our differences and backgrounds. It only further proves that good always triumphs evil, no matter the odds we face.

As times have grown more difficult, I’ve humbly watched many lean into historical and biblical parallels and use them to help uplift others to not only remind us of of what we’re up against but what we’re able to accomplish together.

I’ve learned to appreciate quotes as they have proven to stand the test of time and would love to share one of my favorites with you:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I would love if you’d be willing to share in the comments below some of your favorite quotes that have helped you through hard times. Let’s remind ourselves what we’re here for and that we can accomplish nothing unless we work to stand united.

WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🌎❤️

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