We live in a very sick society. Lily Wachowski explains that trans porn made him trans.
Pornography was created to destroy the nuclear family and healthy meaningful relationships.

If you find yourself personally struggling with this addiction, my heart goes out to you as this struggle is a very real and difficult one. Know you are worth taking the time and effort to seek the help you need to break the cycle. You are loved and never beyond saving. That belief stems from the adversary - an effective one that creates a feeling of isolation and despair. Simply put, another way to keep you from your Heavenly Father.

Know that is never the case and many are struggling with this same trial. You are not alone. Never believe otherwise. God loves you - He loves each one of us and is He is always waiting with open arms for us to come back to Him. I know this with all my heart. ❤️

You are loved.
You are important.
And you are doing better than you think you are.

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