Tony 🇮🇹
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Good lecture from Mearsheimer from a few years ago on liberal hegemony. He outlines three main goals of Western globalists as: promoting liberal democracy worldwide, making countries part of the economic international order by getting them hooked on capitalism and financial interdependence, and making countries part of international institutions like the EU & NATO.
Tony 🇮🇹
Good lecture from Mearsheimer from a few years ago on liberal hegemony. He outlines three main goals of Western globalists as: promoting liberal democracy worldwide, making countries part of the economic international order by getting them hooked on capitalism…
In the first half of the 20th century, Western liberal democracy joined forces with the Soviet Union to crush European Fascism which was a rising superpower that both East & West saw as a threat. This was a concerted move against multipolarity to ensure that Europe remained an economically dependent cluster of client states.

The rise of Putin and China signal a return to multipolarity in big power politics, and it is largely due to the U.S.’s liberal-expansionist behavior during the unipolar period after the Cold War; a good thing since multipolarity theoretically keeps globalism in check.

Mearsheimer makes it clear that Russia has every right to oppose what it sees as an existential threat by American liberal hegemonic encroachment in the form of NATO expansion, EU expansion, and color revolutions. It is no different than when America took measures against what it saw as an existential threat with the Cuban missile crisis, even though the U.S. aimed nukes at Russia via Turkey in 1959 and all of the American outrage during and since has been a massive projection.

All the West can do is lie to itself and the world, like it always does, by pretending Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is just his unhinged lust for conquest and reckless malice, or evil tyranny for the sake of evil tyranny, like a cartoon bad guy. That’s how American propaganda has always been. Whoever resists liberal capitalism is pure evil and America is the “liberator” acting on good will. Anti-liberals are silenced and persecuted by the U.S., so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that in the age of Nationalism vs Globalism, anti-liberals have overlapping interests with America’s geopolitical rivals.

Mearsheimer said it himself Nationalism trumps liberalism. As a realist, he knows Nationalism is the most powerful political ideology on the planet. The elites know this too, which is why their only hope is to outlaw it or redefine it. By removing its ethnic/racial connotation, defining nationhood as an “economic zone” on a map with its own little flag, and making people interchangeable, real National sovereignty is eliminated and the stages are set for disharmony, revolutions, and globalization from within. Ukrainian “Nationalism” is a prime example. Should Zelensky have his victory, Kiev will look like Paris and London in 10 years, and the country will be totally unrecognizable in 20. Real Nationalists in Ukraine should focus on toppling Zelensky.

Mearsheimer mentions the end of history when all countries are liberal democracies and there are no more wars or human rights violations, but what this really means is that the violations won’t be State unto State or States unto citizens, but by the ruling Judeo-capitalist elite unto all who dare oppose the liberal order. Globalism, therefore, is the ultimate human rights violation.
Media is too big
Arab masses cheer Putin’s decision to send Middle-eastern volunteers to Ukraine.
Tony 🇮🇹
Arab masses cheer Putin’s decision to send Middle-eastern volunteers to Ukraine.
We should volunteer too honestly. If the situation escalates and Biden decides to send in his 42nd BIPOC rainbow division, its on. “Z” armbands when?
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The Ukrainian government wanted a diplomatic working relationship with the West before Zelensky, but before they could be initiated into La Kosher Nostra, they had to pass a loyalty litmus test. When the ADL paid the Ukrainian government a visit, Abe Foxman strong armed them like a capo regime in the Genovese family.

“Oh you want our protection, goy? Well you have to do something for us first. You better start policing antisemitism for starters. And we don’t want to hear you comparing your little genocide to ours ever again, capeesh? It’s bad for business.”

Fast forward to 2022, Ukraine is under Jewish control and has laws against talking about it. Ukrainians have to walk on eggshells when talking about the Holodomor, making sure people don’t think it was anything like the sacrosanct holocaust. They lost their sovereignty long before Putin’s invasion.
Forwarded from Christmas in Moscow
“Kremlin propaganda.”
They put a warm cloth on it and give it water like an animal rescue team reviving an injured seal.
Media is too big
“oh you think Putin is going to save the White race” well, he’s done more for the White race than Azov and Trump could in 10 lifetimes. Treason to Jews is loyalty to humanity.
Western liberals on either side of the aisle hurl words like “communist,” “nazi,” and “fascist” around indiscriminately and interchangeably to describe anyone they don’t like for whatever reason, however uninformed their reason may be. Russia is labeled all of the above, yet Russia has been increasingly state capitalist since the end of the Soviet era. Is state capitalism another word for communism or fascism? No, but in the minds of Western liberals, any powerful state that doesn’t bend to the will of individuals is “authoritarian” and therefore worthy of any one of these titles, or all three. Who cares about accuracy, right?

The West is liberal and libertarian, believing that no State should be able to tell anyone what they can or cannot do. Ironically, this libertarian philosophy was adopted and promoted by many former communists, the oligarch Kohodorkovsky being one. This anarcho-capitalist state of mind hates regulations, hates rules, hates fair play, and wants private wealth to have no boundaries, no matter how detrimental this can be to the greater good of a Nation.

That’s the reason the West is in the condition it’s in, because it allows itself to be controlled by special interests of wealthy individuals who have complete free reign to run amok without fear of repercussion, who can use their power to buy politicians, influence elections, influence culture, foreign policy, the legal system, and everything else (who happen to be disproportionately Jewish, but that has no bearing on anything of course. Idk why I even mentioned it).

This is the over-arching reason why the West demonizes Putin. Since he came to power, Russia has become an impediment to various globalist objectives, primarily the spread of liberal democracy as Mearsheimer pointed out. “Liberal democracy” has less to do with the free will of the people to engage in politics and has more to do with deregulation, predatory foreign investment, and unfettered liberal capitalism generally. Without financial leverage over the state, without being able to sink their teeth into governments, control the media and dictate how things go, an oligarch cannot pursue any of the social/political objectives of New World Order “woke” globohomo.

The LGBT agenda that is so near and dear to the West for example, cannot be promoted in Russia without embedding liberal think tanks and institutions who can influence the public. An ultrazionist foreign policy cannot be enacted without astroturfing phony nationalist politicians and PACs. Putin’s “evil” authoritarian traditional values cannot be combatted without liberal media control. These objectives cannot be met without unregulated financial power and this infuriates the Jewish elite. By obstructing oligarchic control, Putin is stopping the insidious, subversive poison of liberalism from permeating the globe.
The political landscape is the exact opposite on the West where the liberal poison comes from. Here, usurious billionaire Jews, their asset management companies, lobbyists, corporations, and shareholders, decide every aspect of life and are never arrested, jailed or even charged with anything. George Soros and Paul Singer can buy politicians, fund murderous anti-White revolutions, carry out demographic replacement strategies, and promote degeneracy with impunity. Most people don’t even know who controls things in the West, but even if they did, they won’t dare name them. Naming them results in a wide range of consequences.

There isn’t one major corporation in the West that BlackRock doesn’t have controlling interest in which is why BLM/LGBT slogans are in your face everywhere you look. They even control the U.S. Treasury itself. Our government is completely at the mercy of special interests. It only holds elections to trick people into thinking otherwise. This is what the West wants for the whole world, but it isn’t going their way in Russia.

After the perestroika liberal economic reforms transitioned the Soviet Union into capitalism, the privatization of state-owned assets was managed by Jewish economists and PMs under Yeltsin. Russia’s industrial, energy, and financial sectors were gobbled up by a small number of co-ethnic business oligarchs. Putin has since taken back much of their power and returned it to the State. That’s why criminal fraudster oligarch scum have been fleeing in droves. They see Putin as someone who acts unilaterally, which is true, hence the smear campaign.

The invasion of Ukraine is proof that Putin is not a puppet of oligarchs. Daripaska, Fridman, and Abramovich have been crushed by sanctions and are condemning the war, Abramovich was forced to sell Chelsea FC, Khodorkovsky is being interviewed by CNN begging Putin to stop, and at least 14 private jets carrying rich sanctioned Jews from Russia with one way tickets have landed in Israel in the last week. The Bloomberg billionaire index showed that within 24 hours of the start of the war, 22 of Russia’s wealthiest people had already lost close to 40 billion dollars. The oligarchs are hemorrhaging money while Putin consolidates State power. Acting unilaterally against the interests of the World Enemy is objectively a good thing regardless of what’s happening to Ukraine.
Forwarded from Breaking911
Media is too big
NYC Woman Punched Over 100 Times, Stomped in Vicious Hate Crime Beating Caught On Video: Police
Tony 🇮🇹
NYC Woman Punched Over 100 Times, Stomped in Vicious Hate Crime Beating Caught On Video: Police
This is what the future has in store for Ukraine. When foreign investors begin “economic reconstruction” and bring in 100 million subsaharans through open society foundation, babushkas won’t even be able to walk to the corner for a loaf of bread. But don’t worry the politicians will make sure “Nazis” pay.
Forwarded from Mark Collett
An 18-year-old Ukranian girl who was placed in refugee accommodation in Germany was raped by an Iraqi and a Nigerian - one after the other.
She fled war only to find out the horrors of liberal multicultural Europe were far worse.
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