BAPists Exposed
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BAPists Exposed
Christmas is coming and those who have behaved well will receive their gifts, however my 60 new Amarnite followers will not receive anything good (probably the police breaking down their door) because they are pedos. Here are many examples of their behaviour.
Reality: Adolf Hitler would send you to Dachau as enemies of the Reich and sexual deviants.
What's the difference?
Note: This is first in a series of profiles on well known BAPists.

Notorious BAPists 1: Astral.

Jew Astral is one of the most productive BAPists and also the phoniest one. He is well known for his twitter spaces, where he rambles about Qtard level stuff. His entire act is based on attacking the illuminati, freemasons, clintons, rosicrucians, count cagliostro, his high school goyim bully...anyone but the obvious jewish lobby that runs America.

BAPists love posting Gigachad Q memes for a reason: Qtardism was very convenient for the jews, and they obviously don't want ops like Q and Alex Jones to die out. Astral tries to cover this space with his podcast, where he "entertains" guests like jewess Israeli operative Amanda Milius.

Astral is also known for the most jewish thread of all time, where he talked about the need to "glass Europe" and his deep appreciation for khazar milkers with flat nipples, among other things...

Astral, you are a phony low-IQ jew.
You see goyim? The biggest problem is the "religious right"

What is the difference between this rhetoric and a 2000s Democratic campaign?

Maybe Edward Luttwak can explain this to us.
BAPists Exposed
You see goyim? The biggest problem is the "religious right" What is the difference between this rhetoric and a 2000s Democratic campaign? Maybe Edward Luttwak can explain this to us.
The second...thing...from the left is a "half Ashkenazi" troon with "full-blown aids" and a well-known BAPist who frequented Wendell's spaces, getting completely ridiculed in the process.

The BAPists have been raising their rhetoric against Christians lately, BAP himself sounds like a 2010 Fedora now. The theory that this is a photo op to make Christians look bad cannot be ruled out.

I don't think it's expensive to pay some hookers to make them go to a church, BAPists pay nasty prostitutes all the time... There is no need to ask Peter Thiel for money.
BAP was so concerned by these posts ( that he has been promoting this jewish screech who has been sent by some jewish organization (probably Zionist Organization of America) to police and "fact-check" the right.

Will V the jew spends his time chasing around Kevin McDonald and other HBD "racists", trying to "debunk" their talking points by applying IQ reductionism.

This line of argument has long been disproven; there are more "gentile" high-IQ geniuses than jewish high-IQ geniuses, but they are not represented in the same proportion among billionaires (and key industries) because they don't belong to jewish cartels.
BAPists Exposed
BAP was so concerned by these posts ( that he has been promoting this jewish screech who has been sent by some jewish organization (probably Zionist Organization of America) to police and "fact…
Also, Zionist operative Mike Cernovich has been trying to run cover for BAP, sharing tweets calling for "the end of infighting". When are BAPists going to apply this to themselves?

Cernovich collaborates with the Zionist Organization of America and works as a content spreader for them. ZOA is a pro-Republican organization "opposed to the ADL's tactics", another Mossad Prager-style organization (check Keith Wood's first cozy stream for more info)

Remember, "Jews against the ADL" is the same as "gays against groomers".
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