BAPists Exposed
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BAPists Exposed
Two new articles on BAP were published this week. The first one comes from a National Review idiot (published by the Daily Beast) who doesn't even mention anything about him being a Netanyahu and Jabotinsky fan, probably because this conservacuck agrees with him on being for israeli Lebensraum (common bapist joke). Many Bannonites and Claremont people came to BAP's defence: they correctly don't see BAP as a threat at all and they support his whole operation.

The second piece comes from the Jewish magazine Tablet. The article was written by the Jewish homosexual Blake Smith who, frankly, doesn't seem very convinced that the new wave of "reactionary homoeroticism" can be stopped by "defenders of democracy". Maybe he is also getting "seduced" by BAP's "erotic pedagogy".

Also, of note, every single author mentioned on this piece is jewish. Further proof that jews see bap as an intra-jewish political dispute.

Park MacDougald, Deputy Literary Editor at Tablet writes: "I mocked the recent Daily Beast BAP piece for being terrible--here's a good one."

Why does he care if it was "terrible"? Why do these Ivy League Jews insist on giving BAP a fair hearing? If Costin was a goyim "fascist" jews like these would write the most vicious attacks imaginable against him. However, Costin does not have a single profile from the ADL or SPLC, just pseudo-profiles from the respectable "intellectual world".

By writing articles like these, the East Coast jewish intelligentsia are exposing BAP as just another right-wing Jew whose ideas they have to "engage", further confirming that everything that has been said about him being a well-connected jewish zionist is true.

But don't worry, this is not the only proof we have that he is a Zionist Jew....
Saved for posterity.
“I am a philosemitic. There are no extra steps. This isn't a dogwhistle. There never was a quiet part to say out loud. I never had the mask on. The cat was always out of the bag. There were never any rumors or open secrets, because it was never a rumor or secret.

I love jews.”

The BAPist creed.
BAPists Exposed
The second...thing...from the left is a "half Ashkenazi" troon with "full-blown aids" and a well-known BAPist who frequented Wendell's spaces, getting completely ridiculed in the process. The BAPists have been raising their rhetoric against Christians lately…
My theory about the AIDS troon being part of a Thielist op to make "tradcaths look bad" (by taking pictures of himself with some twitter whores inside a church) gains more credibility when you see that he gets invited to Moldbug's "right wing" hipster parties, which are allegedly financed by Thiel.

Dirtbag left gays and zionist hipsters drinking from plastic cups in some LA warehouse. Real politically revolutionary stuff.
When BAPists say that the BAP is not gay, or that posting "fiseek" pictures is also not gay, what they mean is that they don't identify with the political aims of the international gay lobby and their rainbow flag in a general way. It doesn't mean that they don't like sucking dicks.

Always read between the lines. They are not joking, they are just natural talmudists.
Forwarded from Keith Woods
At first the big accounts in the BAPsphere ignored the thread showing that Bronze Age Pervert (Costin Alamariu) is a Jewish descendant of Holocaust survivors with ties to Israeli intelligence.

But now that the thread has amassed over 300k views in a day they are being forced to respond and have apparently settled on their damage control narrative: "we never said he wasn't Jewish!"
The Aryan man felt something, his incorruptible search for the truth was guiding him once again. He asked the Jew: “Are you Jewish?”

The Jew felt cornered. He didn’t know what to answer. Telling the truth was obviously not an option. His only chance was resorting to jokes and buffoonery…the overused Jewish tactic that his followers always said will be the key to their victory: "BAP is very funny, I don't care if he's Jewish. People attack him because they envy how funny he is” (Note: read this quote with extremely gay voice)

But the Aryan man did not hesitate. He saw the truth behind this Jewish trickery, the eternal behavior that he had already experienced on many occasions. His Jew detector was as sophisticated and precise as a swiss watch.

The Jew was desperate, weak. He felt overpowered, cheap sexual jokes were his last recourse. But he knew that this moment would chase him forever. “The goyim knows.”

The Aryan (Varg), with his cold blue-eyed stare, had noticed his true nature, exposing him forever.
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