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💉 🇺🇸 More information on the SAGA of Airman Lance Castle. 📎 DocnotDoctor76
📝 🇺🇸 USAF Anon:

"Big doubt tbqh

This is a lot of work for no reason, other guys who refused the vaccine just got admin discharges

This dude's probably a basket case

He wouldn't be the first enlisted dude I've seen who's spun elaborate yarn to make themselves out as some kind of poor victim/martyr

>senior airman


>yes I'll take 12 vaccines my first week of basic
>yes I'll knowingly turn over my bodily autonomy to the military
>WTF they're making me take something I don't want???"
/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
♻️ 🇪🇺 🌍 How climate policy has turned into a minority issue in Europe 📎 Net Zero Watch
⚖️ 🇨🇭 🇪🇺 European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction

A group of older Swiss women have won the first ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights.

The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change.

The court said Switzerland's efforts to meet its emission reduction targets had been woefully inadequate.
It is the first time the powerful court has ruled on global warming.

Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg joined activists celebrating at the court in Strasbourg on Tuesday.

"We still can't really believe it. We keep asking our lawyers, 'is that right?' Rosemarie Wydler-Walti, one of the leaders of the Swiss women, told Reuters news agency. "And they tell us it's the most you could have had. The biggest victory possible,"

The ruling is binding and can trickle down to influence the law in 46 countries in Europe including the UK.

The Court ruled that Switzerland had "failed to comply with its duties under the Convention concerning climate change" and that it had violated the right to respect for private and family life.

It also found that "there had been critical gaps" in the country's policies to tackle climate change including failing to quantify reductions in greenhouse gases - those gases that warm Earth's atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels like oil, coal and gas.

Decisions made in the European Court of Human Rights influence law across its 46 member states.

Estelle Dehon KC, a barrister at Cornerstone Chambers in the UK, said "the judgement deals with difficult issues that also vex the UK courts in a way that may be persuasive."

"It comprehensively dismisses the argument that courts cannot rule on climate legal obligations because climate change is a global phenomenon or because action by one state is just a 'drop in the ocean'," she told BBC News.

Governments globally have signed up to drastically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

But scientists and activists say that progress is too slow and the world is not on track to meet the crucial target of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5C.

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☦️ 🇺🇸 'NYC: Black thug pushes 68-year-old Greek Orthodox woman down the steps of her church and robs her.'

📎 Way of the World
Forwarded from Bardlending
Homosexuals are modern eunuchs.

🏳‍🌈 In the wake of a tory MP compromising national security via being incredibly easily blackmailed, I think we should explore the increasingly significant role Homosexuals play in the modern state. But first, a blast to the past.

🇹🇷 The Ottoman Empire at its heyday had a highly effective if somewhat unsteady administrative infrastructure, in many ways superior to those in the west - certainly around the 1500s. The backbone of this infrastructure were hosts of slaves taken from abroad and castrated. Raised by the state and incapable of producing offspring they made the ideal administrators and spies, and filled a number of high ranking posts in the Sultans court as they could be trusted (usually) to act in the interests of the system which created them.  

Of course, despite being incapable of sireing heirs they were still capable of developing ambitions of their own. As the centuries wore on and the Empire became more reliant on its administrative class they would form an Estate at the heart of power which could manipulate policy, often in ways which would subvert the Sultants. A good example of this are the Janissary revolts of the late Empire, where the servant class revolted against modernising Sultans with the support of Eunuch administrators. This was an event which heralded the Empires final decline.

🇪🇺Today the Neoliberal West increasingly looks similar to the creaking last days of the Ottomans, with the regimes popular support now thoroughly running dry, and the old class of aristocratic administrators has died out. So to maintain its labyrinthine administrative structures it must turn to the modern eunuchs - Homosexuals. Incapable of having children, and generally disliked by a significant section of the public, the homosexual populations in the west have formed in essence a 4th Estate which is reliant on state protection to maintain its position.

🏳️‍⚧️ The entrenchment of the Homosexual Estate is clearly no accident. The state sponsors and promotes Homosexuality intentionally, as homosexuals - relying on the State so intently - are, like the Eunuchs, loyal to the system and highly career oriented - Ideal administrators. Alongside this we see a growth in this Estate that would have been impossible for the Eunuchs, with ever greater numbers or young homosexuals - Many of whom only professing such tendencies to develop their social capital. Clearly being gay is beneficial if one seeks a career in administration, and is increasingly a hallmark of the state servant.

🚩 As with the Ottomans Eunachs however, the cracks have begun to show. The Homosexual Estate has already begun to flex its muscles, forcing the state to make ever greater concessions to maintain its support. This state of flux allows Homosexuals to pretend they are endlessly revolting against the "Fascist State" while simultaneously running it. This instability is a poor foundation for good governance, and as with the eunuchs of old the pressures they apply to state policy makers are increasingly harmful to real national interests. This can be seen with the constant spats with non-western allies over Homosexual rights, which are forced into foreign policy objectives by Homosexual lobbyists.

🏴‍☠️ The Eunuch class compromises the security and health of the State, and if left unchecked this 4th Estate will usher in the final decline of the Western Model. Its entrenchment into the system means that those attempting reform will find it is no easy feat, and it will be a painful process to say the least - as to remove Homosexuals would mean to dissolve a significant section of the modern administrative class.

Bard 🔱
In this article the General Secretary of India’s ruling BJP said the party saw the role of the international Indian Diaspora being akin to “the way the Jewish community looks out for Israel's interests in the United States.”.

Regardless of whether the diaspora is Indian, Chinese, Russian, Armenian, etc this type of thinking should be highly discouraged by the host nation. If immigrants hold strong loyalty to their original country of origin(especially political parties there)that’s a potential threat.
Forwarded from White Papers
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🇹🇭 🇲🇲 Thailand ready to receive 100,000 fleeing Myanmar, foreign minister says

🔶️ Thailand shares a 2,400-kilometer border with Myanmar, which has been embroiled in a civil war since the junta overthrew the democratically elected government in 2021.

🔶️ In recent months Myanmar's army has faced its worst threat yet as fighting from anti-junta groups engulfed previously peaceful areas of the country.

🇯🇵 🇨🇦 🇳🇿 It is almost certain that Biden and Kishida will discuss Japan's potential involvement in the trilateral partnership's second pillar, at a time when countries such as Canada and New Zealand have also expressed interest in such collaboration.

🔶️ "Strengthening security and defense cooperation between the United States, Britain and Australia is important for peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, and our country has consistently backed the efforts of AUKUS," Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara told reporters in Tokyo on Tuesday.

🇹🇷 ❌️ 🇮🇱 Turkey restricts exports to Israel, saying its request to airdrop aid to Gaza was denied

🔶️ “This decision will remain in effect until Israel, within the framework of its obligations arising from international law, declares an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and allows a sufficient and uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,” the ministry said.

🔶️ Along with the United Arab Emirates, Turkey is the biggest donor of aid to Gaza, according to Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.

/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
🇹🇷 ❌️ 🇮🇱 Turkey restricts exports to Israel, saying its request to airdrop aid to Gaza was denied 🔶️ “This decision will remain in effect until Israel, within the framework of its obligations arising from international law, declares an immediate ceasefire…
🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇹🇷 Israel's foreign minister says he will "ask American Congress" to examine Turkey's steps against Israel and to 'impose sanctions accordingly'.

"Erdogan is once again sacrificing the economic interests of the people of Turkey for his support of the Hamas murderers in Gaza who raped, murdered and desecrated the bodies of women, girls, adults and burned children alive. Israel will not submit to violence and extortion and will not condone the unilateral violation of the trade agreements and will take parallel measures against Turkey that will harm the Turkish economy. I ordered to prepare another list of products that Israel will prevent Turkey from exporting and in addition, I ordered to contact countries and organizations in the US, stop investments in Turkey and prevent the import of products from Turkey, and to our friends in the American Congress to examine the violation of the boycott laws and impose sanctions on Turkey accordingly."
Forwarded from Middle East Spectator
Media is too big
🇵🇸/🇮🇱 WATCH: Hamas released footage of an ambush in Gaza, killing 3 IDF soldiers

Forwarded from Middle East Spectator
Media is too big
🇵🇸/🇮🇱 WATCH: Hamas released a video, destroying two Israeli Merkava tanks in Gaza, back-to-back

🏹 🇩🇰 🇺🇦 Denmark will send its ‘entire artillery’ to Ukraine | February 2024

🔶️ Around 524,000 shells will be delivered to Ukraine by the original date, representing roughly 52% of its target, the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell told reporters last month.

🔶️ Copenhagen has pledged €8.4 billion in military aid so far.
According to the Kiel Institute, Denmark’s military aid commitments increased by €3.5 billion since November – making it one of the several biggest military donors by percentage of GDP.

🏹 🇩🇰 🇮🇱 Denmark's costly gamble: Switching to Israeli artillery backfires

🔶️ Copenhagen has shown a strong commitment to supporting Kyiv. Among its notable decisions was the donation of 19 CAESAR howitzers to the front line, intending to set a global precedent. This move, however, left Denmark without any self-propelled artillery, as they currently lack alternative weapons of this type. The plan was to replenish their supplies swiftly through agreements made with Israel, but it has become evident that the logistics were not fully considered.

🔶️ There was an assumption among some observers and Danish officials that additional orders for similar systems would be placed. Yet, decisions were made to procure 19 ATMOS 2000 self-propelled guns and eight PULS missile launchers from Elbit Systems, an Israeli manufacturer.

🔶️ As reported by Opex360, the decision was motivated by financial concerns and the promise of swift delivery times. However, replacing the CAESAR howitzers donated to Ukraine is expected to take significantly longer and incur greater costs than previously thought.

🏹 🇩🇰 🇪🇺Denmark nationalizes ammunition factory in Elling: Europe must be able to defend itself

🔶️ The war in Ukraine and the lack of ammunition in Europe mean that gunpowder and bullets must again be produced in Denmark.

🔶️ The buildings, popularly known as Krudten, are to be used for the production of ammunition for handguns and artillery and as storage for ammunition.

🔶️ It is not new that ammunition is produced here in Denmark. The factory was built in 1954 and the state produced ammunition until 2008 when a Spanish company took over, but they abandoned production four years ago due to losses.

🔶️ Since then, the situation has changed, and we stand with a Europe that must be able to defend itself. Therefore, there is again a need for us to also produce ammunition here in Denmark, Jacob Kaarsbo believes.

Forwarded from Disclose.tv
NEW - Arizona Supreme Court upholds 1864 abortion law banning nearly all abortions in the southwestern U.S. state.


🏹 🇸🇪 🇺🇦 Sweden’s NATO Entry Marks New Period In European Safety, Boosts Ukraine Support

🔶️ In response to the continued battle, Sweden introduced its most substantial single support bundle to Ukraine, valued at 682 million, encompassing air protection techniques, anti-tank weapons, and extra. This bundle represents a big escalation in help, reflecting Sweden’s dedication to Ukraine’s protection and sovereignty. Moreover, the Swedish protection business, together with the noteworthy artillery shell manufacturing by Nammo, is working tirelessly to extend output, demonstrating an pressing push to fulfill the dire wants of Ukrainian forces amidst the battle.

🏹 🇳🇴 🇺🇦 Norway on Friday unveiled a 12-year, $56 billion defense boost that ranks as the country’s most ambitious long-term commitment to its security in its history.

🔶️ We have prioritized four different things which are critical to Ukraine, but also to the NATO alliance. Those are high explosives — which Norway has been a key producer of — rocket engines, missiles and artillery ammunition. So those are the four areas of focus for products that we are ramping up production of, and those are all also areas where Norway plays a key role in the alliance. We are a niche producer of certain items, and these are the most important ones to the alliance right now.

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