Charlie Kirk
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Founder & President: @TPUSA
Host: The Charlie Kirk Show
Author: ‘The MAGA Doctrine’
We are all sinners saved by Jesus.
Opinions here are my own.
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I am in the room of the 168. Lots of private support for change at the RNC. I hope they listen to their voters!
Been having conversations all morning with RNC members. Some of them truly don’t care what their voters think

One said:

“I don’t give a flying flip what the small donors think. They are not voting today.”
If Ronna wins it’s with everyone in here not feeling good about it. Weird vibe in the room.
RNC results:

Ronna 111
Harmeet 53
Mike Lindell 4 votes

The RNC has made the message clear that they have contempt for their voters and their small dollar donors.
Consistently 90% of GOP voters said they wanted change at RNC

111 RNC members just told 90% of the party we don’t care what you say.
Harmeet’s press gaggle happening now…she’s not pulling any punches
I learned so much being at the RNC today.

1) There are some amazing members that truly love the grassroots. 55 of them that listen to you and care about what you think. They are passionate, lovely people who want their country back. They are wonderful.

2) There is a small group of the 111 — likely 10-12 people — that are just scared. They don’t know how to move forward but are terrified of changing the status quo. They voted for Ronna for “continuity not chaos," a weak argument based on fear, not vision.

3) The largest slice of the RNC pie is filled with people who have a deep-seated contempt for the base energy of the party. Several told me to my face that they are annoyed by the grassroots and their “emails” that “bother them.”

4) They told me November was a “raging success” and “historically good.” They told me the party needs fewer people who watch “Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson and your podcast and more people who read the newspaper.”

5) The exuberance from these consultants when Ronna was elected chair was deafening. They knew what this means: the flow of money will only continue.

6) I am truly shocked at how disconnected the RNC country club is from the people they beg for donations. There is a club of consultants who make insane $ off YOUR donations and are no proud of how they can defy the 98% of the party who wanted to see change.

7) The contempt is real. The attitude is repeatedly expressed as “the volunteers who are upset don’t understand how things work around here”

This is unsustainable.
It tells you a lot that people assume riots are going to happen because of a bad video about to be released.
Before everyone overreacts:

The cops were black

America is the least racist country in history.

Blacks encounter police more often because, per capita, they commit crimes more often (with mostly black victims).

Let’s not burn down our country again over lies.
Only one day after actively whipping votes for Ronna at yesterday’s RNC meeting, Maine’s GOP State Chair, Demi Kouzounas has lost her bid for re-election. These are the consequences for refusing to listen to actual Republican voters.
Congratulations to Novak Djokovic for winning the Australian Open! This year he wins the trophy and will become the No. 1 men’s tennis player in the world. Last year the Australian government deported him for not being vaccinated. Freedom is always worth fighting for.
Media is too big
Kari Lake held a rally tonight in Scottsdale, AZ with 4X capacity trying to get in. Overflow space filled to the max and the outside lawn filled too.

The grassroots movement is real. Doubt it and question it at your own risk.
"White supremacy" works like any other conspiracy theory. For the left, it explains everything, exists everywhere, can never be disproven, and the way it works is always completely hidden.
Now that a federal jury has RIGHTFULLY shut down Biden's attempt to imprison father of seven Mark Houck for protesting abortion, the FBI should reassign those assets to locking up all the criminals who firebombed and attacked more than 100 pro-life centers after the Dobbs leak.
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy says children shouldn't be on social media until at least the age of 16.

Finally something I agree with the Biden Adminsitration on!
Brazil has become a key battleground in the global clash between the power of the people and the tyranny of a corrupt globalist machine.

TPUSA is honored to host President Jair Bolsonaro in Miami THIS FRIDAY for his first public event following the recent Brazilian elections.
New rankings from Triton Digital has The Charlie Kirk Show as the TOP podcast among Republicans—something I am extremely proud of—and 14 overall among the Top 100 Most Downloaded shows.

We are in touch with the grassroots driving our movement forward.

Honored and grateful 🙏🇺🇸
MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know