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We specialise in publishing and selling physical books which are hard to obtain or are out of print, but are nevertheless of great value to patriots.
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Media is too big
Join us in Skegness this Saturday!


Join the East Mids Telegram channel for more local news & events:
Looks like I'm already being shadow banned on TikTok. I've uploaded this excellent older video. Other activists have done the same to check if it is so.
Forwarded from BillAtheling
just a shout out to all you lovers of Horror fiction, my new novella The Horror Beneath is now available (for only £8!!!) on Amazon and, of course, coming soon at the
Today is the anniversary of the death of Kriss Donald. A 15-year-old schoolboy who was abducted from Kenmure Street in Glasgow, brutally tortured and murdered by five Asian men in a racially motivated attack. When he asked why they chose to attack him, he was given the response that it was because he was a "White boy."

This is a time to remember Kriss, and all people whose lives were cut short by the disastrous multicultural experiment that is modern Britain.

It is also a time to remember that anti-White hatred kills, and that what we are fighting for is the safety of our own children and our own people.

The PA Scotland Media Officer suggested I try TikTok again with more hashtags, so I have hashtagged the hell out of this one.

A few others have uploaded the same vid and we are conducting an experiment to see if it makes a difference. platform.

Please view, like, repost and favourite the vids if you are on that platform.

Some of my vids got amazing figures (218k for one of them). We know we have had people come to Erskine because they saw that video. Let's make that happen again and again.
Forwarded from Clean & Pure Soap
I’m featured today in The Herald one of Scotland’s biggest papers. It is a hit piece designed to damage my business, despite the vast majority of the article making it sound like a company worth supporting.

I could never have afforded this advertising. However, the paper hopes I will lose business, suppliers and markets. I’m confident that my followers here will continue to support Clean & Pure Soap.
The violence and lies of the extreme-Left are getting exposed in Erskine.
Forwarded from Sam Melia: A Grug's Life
Join us tonight at 7pm (UK time) for Episode 86 of Tea Time with Sam & Laura

- Was Knowsley a set-up to take down Patriotic Alternative?
- Claire Ellis joins us to discuss the recent hit piece that attacked her and her business.
- Your questions answered.

Odysee (our preferred platform):


We were already blocked by Pinar Aksu but now the tweet has been deleted.
Forwarded from UNN
Claire will be joining David Clews from 20:30 tonight on

Be in no doubt that this is the state using their propaganda arms to DESTROY anyone trying to earn a living if they don't hold 'acceptable' views. This will happen to all of us soon if we don't say NO!
Media is too big
The Clean & Pure Soap and Patriotic Alternative story continues to grow. Today Radio Skye made it the main local news feature. It sounds like a free advertisement for both.

Let us know in the comments what you think.
Some days are tougher to take than others when you join the resistance, but none of them will break you. They just make you more determined to win through for our children and people. The key is to join up with others, embrace the struggle, work together and share the burden.
Check out Even Keel's awesome new release. Sub to his Telegram and Odysee channels.
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The new First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, proclaims his own identity while at the same time dismissing our Scottish identity.

He tells the world they can be Scottish simply by being here for just one day. He ignores the fact that what makes Scotland is the people with our culture, identity and heritage. His vision for Scotland will destroy Scotland and her people.

This social justice warrior supreme exemplifies everything that is wrong with the SNP and why Scots need to rise up and vote these traitors out of power at every level of government.

Their membership have elected somebody who is not indigenously Scottish as their leader and he has made it clear he does not care for true Scots. In fact, as you will all recall, he thinks Scotland is too White or in other words too Scottish.

It is time for patriots not yet in the struggle to get active and help us change the land we live in for the better. Join us in making in impact in the communities where we live. You cannot make things better if you are not organised and active.

Email [email protected] today and play your part.
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