Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]
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Much like JFK, I focused my campaign efforts on knocking on doors around the rural and remote communities across the district.

The voice of rural Arizona will be brought to DC if I become the next Representative for CD2.

Vote Ron Watkins on August 2.
Please share this video across social media and ask your friends and family to vote for Ron Watkins on August 2.

Please also donate to the campaign here:

Thank you and God bless!
It is now the eve of the primary election in Arizona.

I never took any lobbyist money.

I self-funded a large part of my campaign.

The majority of my campaign donations came from you and our community.

The RINOs in my race raised millions from lobbyists.
Guess what? They are now bought and paid for by the establishment.

Please help me today by telling all your friends and family to go to the polls tomorrow to vote for Ron Watkins.

Its the final push and together we will rise up to take America back from the radical left communists who are hell bent on destroying our way of life.

Lets pray tonight that our campaign message reverberates across Arizona and into the voting booths tomorrow.

God bless you all and thank you so much for your continued support!
Just saw this informative website for the first time:

Please share this link on social media.

disclaimer: My campaign did not make this website and I don't know who made it. Just found it to be informative and wanted to share it.

original link changed to archive link because original was taken down
Voting in Arizona is today.


Thank you so much everyone for your wonderful support.

God bless!
Congratulations to Elijah Crane who bought "won" the Congressional primary in my race.

Elijah Crane will be another RINO like Dan Craneshaw and John McCrane.

As we all have learned, money seems to be the deciding factor in whether or not you win a Congressional race. Elijah Crane raised the most money in my race by using a highly paid DC consultant team.

While Elijah Crane may be a bought and paid for RINO, he may yet be better than the Dirty Democrat Tom O’Halleran.

Good luck.
Do you want CMZ channel comments back?

Remember, I will never DM you to ask for crypto or money.
Anonymous Poll
Bring back the chat channel.
Dont bring back the chat channel.
Dont care either way.
The "inflation reduction act" will do the exact opposite and increase inflation a lot.

It will be the catalyst that sends us spiraling into a great recession.

Hope you have been preparing your family's supplies.

The days ahead are about to get rough.
Congratulations President Trump on getting released from Twitter jail.

I have also appealed my Twitter suspension and am waiting for a response.

If you still have Twitter, please tag @elonmusk and ask him to unban @CodeMonkeyZ.

Thank you very much and God bless.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
With the ongoing revolts, demonstrations, and alleged calls for revolution in China, would you like me to report on these stories?

Background: I am fluent in Chinese and can help discern what is real or fake regarding the videos/images surfacing online.
Anonymous Poll
Yes, please report on the ongoing unrest in China.
Jack Dorsey email address from Twitter files:

[email protected]
Will you be buying a Trump NFT?
Anonymous Poll
I already bought one.
The Trump NFT cards are sold out.
When I was the admin of 8chan, the FBI often reached out to ask for information about users.

I was always respectful with my replies to the FBI and required that they provided a lawful subpoena signed by a judge before they got any information from 8chan (excepting rare, imminent, exigent circumstances).

To no surprise of anyone, Twitter seems to have gleefully locked hands with the FBI and gave them a lot of access over the years to ban and control the userbase on the Twitter platform.

This is a grave issue and an obvious erosion of our First Amendment Rights as Americans.

While the lying press continues to cry about the temporary ban of a few "journalists", the real issue of the government trampling all over our Constitution remains underreported and goes unanswered.
We now know about the FBI involvement in the day-to-day at Twitter. They were supressing political speech of Americans.

Will Elon publish proof that other countries also had their intelligence operatives on staff at Twitter?

Biggest proven breach of public trust in history?
If the FBI was spying on American citizens using Twitter, were they spying on foreigners too?

If there were foreign intelligence groups working at Twitter, were they spying on Americans?

Biggest breach of security ever?
Elon Musk never did the "general amnesty" for accounts that were unfairly banned.

Why not?

With how close the FBI was working with Twitter, there are probably a bunch of "preservation orders" paired with "gag orders" for large swaths of accounts.

A preservation order means he legally isn't allowed to unban accounts affected by the order.
A gag order means he cannot tell us that there are preservation orders.
J6 Committee recommended criminal charges —

Obstruction of an Official Proceeding:
Donald Trump
Jeff Clark
John Eastman
Kenneth Chesebro

Conspiracy to Defraud the United States:
Donald Trump
Jeff Clark
John Eastman
Kenneth Chesebro
Mark Meadows
Rudy Giuliani

Conspiracy to Make a False Statement:
Donald Trump
John Eastman
Kenneth Chesebro

Incite, aid or assist an Insurrection:
Donald Trump
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