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Hypocrisy, thy name is New York Times. From Eugyppius
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A gay leftist and Huffington Post contributor is revealed to be the arrested suspect who allegedly made terroristic threats against The Heretic gay club in Atlanta, Ga.. The incident had been blamed on right-wing “stochastic terrorism,” much like the Colorado gay club shooting by a trans non-binary suspect.
Is CNN cleaning house?
I look tiny from 400' up. (Drone shot from today)
I remember an interview on YouTube from early 2020. It was hosted by a guy in Boston whose name I can't remember. His guest was explaining a potential link between C19 and tourettes. I will try to find it today. This from Jessica Rose
She senses things I can only imagine
My favorite Internet cat boriquagato writes about the current world of truth, conspiracy fact, conspiracy theory, and crackpottery--and the deliberate blending of the fringiest ideas with nuggets of truth as strategic cover.

Techniques formerly used by intelligence agencies are now going mainstream to be exploited by PR firms and political parties.

I call this "burying gold nuggets in piles of bullshit" to deter people from finding them.

As I wrote about here, here and here the techniques have been well-known by a small group, and have been weaponized against us for decades.

We must awaken more people to the truth, but also educate them about the techniques of weaponized misinformation so that they can find and keep their bearings in this fifth generation warfare battlefield.
It's critically important for a greater fraction of people to become acutely aware of things like this: where this slide came from, and what it teaches us.
When you read this article from Zerohedge: Von Greyerz: In The End The Dollar Goes To Zero & The US Defaults the conclusion is inescapable.

One need only look at the top left of 's website to see this for yourself. Only the most innumerate among us don't grasp this.

What remains for us to discover is WHEN this implosion will occur, to WHOM blame will be assigned, and WHAT will replace the failed monetary systems that led to this disastrous outcome all over the world.
There is a way out; but only one that I can think of at the moment. It's the subject of a substack article I've been working on and trying to find time to finish. Don't lose hope: there's a ray of light here.
Proof of what many of us suspected from the early days of the Wuhan flu continues to trickle out.

It's time now for a flood of truth, and also time for Nuremberg-style accountability for those involved.

Paging Dr. Fauci....

Exactly what does "Eco Health Alliance" mean, anyway? Economic? Ecology?

One wonders at the odd juxtaposition of words, and whose health was implied. Ecological health by killing off too many people on the planet, no doubt.
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content