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Proof of what many of us suspected from the early days of the Wuhan flu continues to trickle out.

It's time now for a flood of truth, and also time for Nuremberg-style accountability for those involved.

Paging Dr. Fauci....

Exactly what does "Eco Health Alliance" mean, anyway? Economic? Ecology?

One wonders at the odd juxtaposition of words, and whose health was implied. Ecological health by killing off too many people on the planet, no doubt.
Not at all a stretch to believe that people who think like this -- closing airports to satisfy Agenda 2030 -- would not hesitate to enact depopulation strategies involving custom viruses and injectables.

We see you. From Eugyppius
Hi, Sierra.
... and scene.
"forgive them, for they know not what they do" simply doesn't cut it for me anymore. My heart aches for the world's children.

This disaster was *knowable* back in 2020. Wise people tried to warn the "government experts" that they were causing a disaster with the masks, the lockdowns, the injectables.

They didn't listen, let their hubris guide them, did it anyway. Now they need to be held harshly accountable for this crime against humanity.

From Eugyppius
Fauci is going to look good in an orange jumpsuit.

From KanekoaTheGreat on substack.
I updated this substack post tonight with a new link to the news about the "whistleblower" Andrew Huff from EcoHealth Alliance: "COVID is a man-made virus".

Keep my substack post handy to share with those who still sleepwalk through life.
My egret fren
Tangentially: some of you may know that I was visiting Wuhan in the summer of 2018. So I took an unusual interest in the origin of the virus as far back as March of 2020. I read the papers Matt Ridley talks about back then; and knew instantly something was deeply wrong with the mainstream narrative.
In the above video, Jordan and Ridley make the point that the evidence strongly suggests a "leak" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But a key point that I was making as far back as March of 2020--when I did an analysis of CDC data for Tracy Beanz article, and was then asked to send my excel file to Sen. Ron Johnson's office--was that another "coincidence" of considerable importance occurred: right when the "leak" happened, 103 nations had military members participating in the 2019 Wuhan Military Games.

In October of 2019. I showed evidence in my excel charts that "something" (by looking at data for ILI, or Influenza Like Illness) was carried back to at least two airports in late 2019: Seattle Tacoma, and BWI in Baltimore.

Both are hubs for military charter planes. Both would have had troops returning to base after the games.
I've had a theory about what happened in early 2020 for some time. I was charting data daily for mortality in several countries including Italy in early 2020; and I saw alarming trends in doubling times and case fatality rates (at the time, Italy appeared to have a 7% CFR. Meaning if you were diagnosed as a "case", there was a 7% chance of death.)

I was closely watching India at the time, fearing the worst: if a deadly virus reaches a densely populated country like India with poor healthcare systems, it could ignite a worldwide blaze.

But curiously, after the US spring break in early 2020, nothing of the magnitude we were fearing happened in India. It just..changed.

I thought about why.

US Biolabs have had a defense mission for 30 to 40 years: to make sure that if some biological attack were to be launched against our country, that we would have *some* kind of mitigation strategy ready to deploy.

For Coronavirus, this *could* include a fast spreading but weaker variant that quickly induces herd immunity to protect against a deadlier wild strain.

If they had it...they would have been obligated to deploy it.

When/where: Spring break, 2020. FLA

Consider the coincidental timing of this:
As I was heading into work today, the inversion layer was about 40 feet. It was foggy as I drove past the orchards. Field workers build wood fires in the morning because of the cold, and the smoke from their fires rises up and goes sideways as though there was an invisible lid over everything.

My friend the Egret greeted me in his usual spot.
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