Demo-Termine & Kontakte, Gleichgesinnte treffen - Demokalender, Spaziergänge, Mahnwachen, Meditation *Rücktritt Bundesregierung!
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🔊 Wir Demokraten wollen miteinander in Kontakt bleiben @DemotermineChat und uns im Bedarfsfall möglichst schnell austauschen, Beweise in Wort, Bild und Ton sichern, damit sie nicht unterschlagen werden können @LivestreamsFuerDich!

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⚠️🆘⚠️Very important!! All states!

The OSHA regulation halting mandatory C-19 vaccines is in place UNTIL DECEMEBER 6TH.

It is now open to public comment. Our response as a nation will decide if it comes to a judicial review. Go now to the link below and voice your opinion before Dec. 6th.
‼️SHARE with everyone you know!


#Illinois #Iowa #Minnesota #Missouri #Wisconsin #HealthFreedom #Illinois #Iowa #Minnesota #Missouri #Wisconsin

Raus auf die Straßen @Demotermine!
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Sacramento, California on Monday, January 3rd at 1 p.m.

“Please share! This is the day legislators come back and will likely try to remove the Personal Beliefs Exemption for the jab.”

#california #ca #healthfreedom

#USA #Mon0301 #Sacramento

Raus auf die Straßen @Demotermine!
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Media is too big
Rashid speaks👑

Yes, we are always seeking new allies and growth in numbers.
Yes, we understand perhaps better than anyone the media’s fondness for disingenuous, flagrant misrepresentation.
No, we do not exclude or discriminate against anyone based on their beliefs, political or otherwise.
No, we do not forge alliances with anyone failing to respect basic principles of coalition-building and communication.
No, we do not tolerate anyone attempting to politicize, subvert, sabotage, hijack, or otherwise set us up to reinforce divisive and destructive propaganda narratives.

@talentoverhype is a perfect example of someone who sees the bigger picture and is not beholden to any organization or political party.🗽

Raus auf die Straßen @Demotermine!
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How to Cut in iMovie