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RaTG13 was a fraud and a cover story to hide the creation of SARS-COV-2 (the COVID virus). Any virologist or molecular biologist would have realised that at the first look on GenBank and those that used it as a reference point were aiding and abetting the fraud.

Daoyu's literature review on the subject is attached here in case it gets removed from Zenodo.

The same applies to the BANAL viruses that were similarly used as a cover story. All these sequences were uploaded to GenBank AFTER the SARS-Cov-2 sequence was identified and noted to be synthetic.

Forwarded from Chuck Chunder
April 30, 2024
Effects of BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine on vascular function


The effects of Covid-19 vaccines on vascular function are still controversial. We evaluated the effects of BNT162b2 vaccine (BioNTech and Pfizer) on endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) and vascular smooth muscle function assessed by nitroglycerine-induced vasodilation (NID). This study was a prospective observational study. A total of 23 medical staff at Hiroshima University Hospital were enrolled in this study. FMD and NID were measured before vaccination and two weeks and six months after the 2nd dose of vaccination. FMD was significantly smaller two weeks after the 2nd dose of vaccination than before vaccination (6.5±2.4% and 8.2±2.6%, p = 0.03). FMD was significantly larger at six months than at two weeks after the 2nd dose of vaccination (8.2±3.0% and 6.5±2.4%, p = 0.03). There was no significant difference between FMD before vaccination and that at six months after the 2nd dose of vaccination (8.2±2.6% to 8.2±3.0%, p = 0.96). NID values were similar before vaccination and at two weeks, and six months after vaccination (p = 0.89). The BNT162b2 Covid-19 vaccine temporally impaired endothelial function but not vascular smooth muscle function, and the impaired endothelial function returned to the baseline level within six months after vaccination.
Wahnsinnig gut recherchierter Thread von @Quo_vadis_BRD zu Hendrik Streecks „Heinsberg-Studie“ im April 2020 - und deren sofortiger Diffamierung durch Christian Drosten. Drostens unsachliche Kritik an der Studie führte dazu, dass das zentrale, bahnbrechende Ergebnis der Studie - IFR 0,37% - 5x niedriger als damals angenommen, und eigentlich Grundlage für Lockerungen - medial ignoriert und unter den Teppich gekehrt wurde.

Wichtiger Puzzlestein für die Aufarbeitung und Beantwortung der Frage, warum Deutschland schon frühzeitig derart falsch abgebogen ist. Lang, aber lohnt sich: https://twitter.com/Quo_vadis_BRD/status/1784485005424496811

Für alle, die nicht auf X sind, hier eine zugängliche Version auf Threader: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1784485005424496811.html

New cases/documented rapid progression aptly termed “turbo cancer.” The trendline went up with the rollout of genetic COVID-19 vaccines. What mechanism could explain an injection of Pfizer or Moderna mRNA and the genesis of cancer? Courageous Discourse. https://open.substack.com/pub/petermcculloughmd/p/breaking-publication-oncogenesis

Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak Testifies Before Coronavirus Subcommittee

“Unfortunately, in 2019, just as we predicted a bat origin, SARS-related coronavirus emerged and spread in the city of Wuhan, leading to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The public nature of our work and our longstanding collaborations with Chinese scientists have made us a target for misinformation about the origins of COVID.”

“Our research has direct benefits for the public health of the American people, strengthens national security, and enhances sustainable economic growth in our allies around the world.”

Watch Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj9M5CJGykk

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„Heute hat COVIDSelect einen Bericht auf Mitarbeiterebene veröffentlicht, in dem empfohlen wird, den Präsidenten der EcoHealth Alliance, Dr. Peter Daszak, aufgrund seiner Handlungen vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie offiziell von seinem Amt auszuschließen und strafrechtlich zu untersuchen.

Der Bericht deckt außerdem schwerwiegende systemische Schwächen der National Institutes of Health auf, die es EcoHealth ermöglichten, gefährliche Gain-of-Function-Forschung im chinesischen Wuhan zu finanzieren.“



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💥 Mark Zuckerbergs Konzern Meta hat eine Künstliche Intelligenz mit 48 Millionen wissenschaftlichen Studien gespeist, in der Hoffnung so einen großen Fortschritt in verschiedenen Bereichen erzielen zu können.

Die KI musste allerdings nach 2 Tagen abgestellt werden, weil sie angeblich „Desinformation verbreitet hat“.

Lasst mich raten, die KI hat nach der Durchsicht von 48 Millionen Studien komischerweise den menschengemachten Klimawandel verhöhnt, vor Impfungen gewarnt und für 2 biologische Geschlechter plädiert.

Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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Rep. Brad Wenstrup Grills Peter Daszak in Heated Exchange

Daszak confirms that in 2018 he submitted an application for a project named Diffuse. Ralph Baric from the University of NC and Shi Zhengli from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were collaborators.

Daszak admitted a strategy of downplaying the role of non-U.S. collaborators in the proposal to avoid negative perceptions by DARPA reviewers.

Wenstrup highlighted concerns regarding the biosafety protocols that were to be used for the research involving recombinant SARS coronaviruses. The issue here was that the work might be conducted under a lower biosafety level (BSL-2) in China, raising concerns that Daszak valued saving money over biosafety.

Watch Live: https://vigilantnews.com/post/watch-live-ecohealth-alliance-president-testifies-days-after-whistleblower-documents-expose-more-about-wuhan-lab/

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Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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Watch Rep. Morgan Griffith EXPLODE Over Peter Daszak’s BIG Lie About Natural Spillover Events

“You changed... the likelihood of bat coronavirus spillover into humans, from ‘very rare’ in early 2020... to possibly over a million spillovers annually... by late 2021.”

“You don't think this is a significant change?”


“Wow. You know what? I practiced in the criminal courts for many, many years. And I will just tell you - if you were my client, I would tell you that that dog won’t hunt, and the judge ain’t gonna believe that.”

Watch Live: https://vigilantnews.com/post/watch-live-ecohealth-alliance-president-testifies-days-after-whistleblower-documents-expose-more-about-wuhan-lab/

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Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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Watch Peter Daszak Get Told to His Face That He Should Never Receive Taxpayer Funding Again

DASZAK: “Of course, we should receive federal work.”

REP JOHN JOYCE: “I feel that you at EcoHealth are not responsible stewards of the taxpayer dollars that have been shared for you. And I feel that based on the information and based on the actions that we have seen, I believe that you should never receive taxpayer dollars again.”

Watch Live: https://vigilantnews.com/post/watch-live-ecohealth-alliance-president-testifies-days-after-whistleblower-documents-expose-more-about-wuhan-lab/

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🚨 Texas Fires Back at Pfizer, Asks Court to Reject Drug Giant’s Bid to Dismiss ‘Deceptive Marketing’ Lawsuit

The motion stated:

“This is a case about how Pfizer’s misstatements led Texas consumers to make choices they would not have otherwise made, and Pfizer’s censorship of scientists that set the record straight. Pfizer enriched itself based on these misleading statements to the tune of billions of dollars … Pfizer is not immune.”

Forwarded from Antonio Mengelefauci
According to EMA documents, Pfizer-BionTech used Kanamycin to replicate the plasmid. And they used this plasmid production as the justification for throwing in SV40 promoter. 🤯

On the other hand, SV40 is known to neutralize Kanamycin and a whole class of aminoglycosides!

Aminoglycocides are a class of antibiotics that are used (often in combination with other antibios) to treat serious infections caused by bacteria that are difficult to treat, i.e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and gram-positive bacteria, like enterococcustuberculosis, and mycobacteria such as tuberculosis.

WTH have they done?

For details, check out Kevin PhD¹⁰ McKernan's recent thread.
Forwarded from Dr. Aseem Malhotra
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Between 2000 & 2008, of the 667 drugs approved by the FDA, 75% of them were essentially copies of old ones…And by the time somebody's worked out it's no better than a cheaper & possibly safer drug, they've moved on to the next one.

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