Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
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It will take decades, but the only way to gradually restore trust in the scientific community is to first come clean about the misguided, disastrous and unscientific covid policies that too many scientists supported.

Dear college & university presidents,

If you mandate the new BA4/5 bivalent booster for students, you will be doing so on the basis of no clinical evidence that it stops disease transmission or protects against severe disease. Nor any human safety data whatsoever.

We need a catchy term for the lockdown harm denialists: "kids are resilient", "depression won't lead to suicide", "inflation has nothing to do with lockdown", etc. Denial is psychologically necessary because smart people can't accept they supported such disaster. But they did.
Forwarded from End Wokeness
Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya, who challenged lockdowns, warns that "academic freedom is dead." He says it's impossible to critique the WOKE consensus without being ostracized. Looks like Prof. Bhattacharya has just been mugged by reality.

A covid lab leak is not just conjecture. In late 2021, there was a documented covid leak out of a high-security Taiwanese lab. There will inevitably be leaks out of labs playing with highly infectious viruses if such research is supported.

It has been disheartening to watch once reputable experts discount the Cochrane review's negative verdict on community masking to prevent covid spread in favor of low-quality evidence. Medicine has rejected evidenced-based medicine.

academia no longer serves as a check on the science and narratives of the state.

dependence upon gov't grant money has rendered it a captured ward, singing like medieval bards for its supper.

and those who pay the piper shall ever call the tune.

Welcome to the free state of California, where churches are fined in the millions for holding church, doctors lose their licenses for giving patients their honest opinions, and the governor will close public schools whenever he deems it wise. Freedom!
Fantastic account of a battle in interpreting medical papers between Prof. Harvey Risch of Yale and an AI.

If Risch is John Henry & the AI is the steam-powered rock drilling machine, let's just say the folk story needs re-writing for the modern age.

If a politician advocated, oversaw, or approved of pandemic school closures and still defends them as necessary or wise, that politician is hopelessly anti-science.
California has higher cumulative age-adjusted all-cause excess deaths than Florida since the start of the pandemic.

If lockdowns, school closures, mask and vax mandates, and covidian tyranny work to protect human life, why don't they?
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