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Exposer of lies and corruption. Fighter for truth and justice. Enemy of evil.

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By dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, Chris Christie's odds of winning the nomination went from 0% down to 0%.

Christie still remains tied with Nikki Haley, who also holds a 0% chance of winning.


Never forget that Mark Mark Milley admitted that he would tell a Chinese military general if Trump ordered the US to attack China.

What do you call this?


BREAKING: Joe Biden (The Big Guy) has now officially made it to one hour since he last tried to sniff a young girl on camera.


Here is Phil Godlewski absolutely nailing it as always. He truly does have the best intel...

The truth about the Captain Phillips rescue:

Most people are aware of this story (thanks in part to the movie that was made) but here is something that you should all know: Barack Obama NEVER actually gave the green light for the Navy SEAL snipers to take the shots. He was too worried about "bad PR" and "blowback" if it failed.

Those absolute heroes thankfully acted on instinct and did the right right thing anyways when they saw Phillips and his crew about to be killed, saving them all.

Then Obama took credit for this in front of the entire world. Now, I can absolutely GUARANTEE you that if they had failed he would have distanced himself from the decision, claimed that they "disobeyed orders" and tried to make an example of them.

This wasn't even close to the worst thing that he did involving SEALs either...


Dr. David Martin is the smartest man I know, by a lot. It's difficult to fully articulate just how intelligent and knowledgeable he is.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden is the smartest man that Joe Biden knows...

Stay tuned tonight for an AMAZING video that features @DrDMartinWorld


Media is too big
This might be the most eye-opening video clip that you see this year...

The COVID shots pushed on billions of people could only be justified if there were no treatment options.

So, what did they do? According to Dr. David Martin, they let people die and suppressed treatments to make way for a “vaccine.”

The audacity of the crime was shocking:

The CDC, before it became the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was the US Malaria Suppression Program in Atlanta, Georgia, which did what? It advocated for the distribution of hydroxychloroquine.

The institutions that demonized hydroxychloroquine were once its strongest believers.

Watch and listen to @DrDMartinWorld


Per my previous post, click below to watch the full video for part 1 of this AMAZING documentary: “The Great Setup With Dr. David Martin.”


Media is too big
Did Dr. David Martin just end Vivek Ramaswamy's presidential campaign?

Vivek's company invested $116 million in nanoparticle delivery systems in 2017.

Also, according to @DrDMartinWorld, "he (Vivek) has a not-so-publicly-disclosed interest in every shot that was delivered."


"The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people -- white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on -- good honest hard-working people continue -- these are people of modest means -- continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all -- at all -- at all."

-George Carlin


This has been myself vs. the Branch Covidians for the last several years:

Me: "Covid vaccine mandates are illogical, anti-science and anti-freedom."

Authoritarian Sheep: "No they aren't, they're to protect other people from getting infected."

Me: "Vaccines do not stop transmission and vaccinated people carry the same viral load."

Sheep: "Covid vaccines were never about transmission, they make it so nobody has a serious illness, gets hospitalized or dies."

Me: "That is not true at all. Also, you also just destroyed your own premise for why you support the mandates in the first place..."

Them: (Pictured)


I wonder if Vivek Ramaswamy will respond to this? Over one million views already on X.


I don't understand how it's remotely possible for almost 20% of the votes to go to Nikki Haley in Iowa. I legitimately don't know of one conservative that actually likes her.

It must be the same invisible people that are somehow managing to keep Long John Silver's in business.


BREAKING: Stacey Abrams will not concede in Iowa caucuses. Maintains she will be declared winner when all votes are counted.


I am co-hosting this X Space with Dr. David Martin. Come join if you are on there!


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