Captain Keshel's 2024 Election HQ
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One-Stop Shop for Patriot Engagement, News, and Updates for the 2024 Election Cycle

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Broward County, FL - important in person opportunity to be involved locally.
Per Rasmussen, 69% of DEMS believe Maricopa County is a criminal enterprise that deprives its own citizens of the right to vote.

Secondary interpretation: Katie Hobbs and all statewide Dems won because of cheating.
He gave us this quote not just for the great days like his inauguration, which he spoke this quote at, but for the days many would feel lost in the wilderness.

Every major turning point in history came against major odds and so will the victory over widespread government corruption of elections.

Take it to the bank and double down on your efforts, or step aside so you don’t poison those fighting on.
Mike Braun of Indiana to leave U.S. Senate after one term in 2024 to run for Governor.

Any accomplishments?
Many have asked me to opine on the Brunson Brothers SCOTUS case. I am working on the SubStack to break it down for you (what is it?) and to assess outcome(s).
Making Brunson's case as simple as possible, with historical precedent and future predictions accounted for.

Thank you for reading. Pray for this hearing on J6 2023!
File this under “I really can’t believe the GOP doesn’t win everything because they have the best campaign consultants.”

Someone was paid to write this on behalf of one of the fiercest competitors in modern athletic history?
Positive economic news today.

Capitalists believe in the law of supply and demand. What this means, mainstream media, is that you have too much "supply" of propaganda and hit pieces, and not enough "supply" of factual, actionable information and relevant news stories for your dwindling reader base.

Nearly everything is governed on the basis of simple supply and demand. If your stuff is good and priced appropriately, people buy it like crazy. If it is terrible and overpriced... well, bye.
Making Brunson's case as simple as possible, with historical precedent and future predictions accounted for.

Thank you for reading. Pray for this hearing on J6 2023!
In case you were wondering how big of a priority election integrity is in Texas.

(But please, send us money so them darn Democrats don’t turn Texas blue!)
Why does GA Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan hate black people?

Is that how it works, MSM and RINO backstabbers?
Our political narratives are faker than a million three dollar bills traveling in a bus fueled by unicorn farts.

You mean to tell me Georgia’s Lt. Governor got dressed and ready to go vote in a race with two candidates on the ticket, only to show up at the poll and be physically and mentally incapable of voting for one of them?

The solid south never went away. It just read the tea leaves and put Rs behind the crooks’ names.
The revelations of information beginning last night and certain to continue already have the fire ant trail leading to the 388 respondents in the Brunson case.

I have broken that down here in less than 1,500 words - case is set to be reviewed January 6th, 2 years after the framed insurrection.
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