General Patton
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May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't!
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Here's The Real Intel, No One But Us Will Tell You The Truth. Don't Play Their Reptilian Game, They Have Been Doing This For Over 26k Years.
Heavily Infiltrated Into The LightChannels.
Pedophiles Are The Virus - The US Military Is The Vaccine.
This Is The Digital Battlefield.
The Virus Is The Nanotechnology Inside You.
Buckle Up, It's Happening.They Are Programs Inside Your Quantum Mind And Chakras.Pulling And Controlling YOUR Nanotechnology Strings.
Keeping You Stuck At The Vaccine Passports.Watching The Capitol Riot Information Unfold.
The News About Another Fabricated Country Fighting AgainstAnother Fabricated Country.
It's Their GAME.Everyone Had Free Choice.Those That Couldn't See Were Them.
Run With Us Or Run From Us
Cut Through The Matrix, It's Already Done.
Waiting For The News To Tell You What You Already KNOW.
The Military, The National Guard, The Galactic Alliance.
It's Already Done And When You Wake Up.
The Whole World Is About To Change.

- John F Kennedy Jr.19th Vice President

General Patton
Media is too big

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Media is too big
This video is 10 years old and has never been more relevant than it is today

• The power of the banks
• Control through TV
• Vaccinations
• Eugenics
• Sleeping sheep
• The spiritual development and how it is prevented as the actual solution!

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As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman.

When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality."

General Patton
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AI is far more dangerous than Nukes..

This is the Future they want to Build.
It's important to understand their plans..

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We are in a spiritual war against the forces of evil. This is light versus darkness. This administration is lying about everything.

Biden must be removed.
Never forget those who have gone before us, their sacrifices for us so we can live freely and without the yoke of tyranny around our necks will never be forgotten.

Their armor is weak, ours is solid steel.

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Just months before 9/11, the World Trade Center's lease was privatized and sold to Larry Silverstein.

Silverstein took out an insurance plan that 'fortuitously' covered terrorism. After 9/11, Silverstein took the insurance -company to court, claiming he should be paid double because there were 2 attacks.
Silverstein won, and was awarded $4,550,000,000.

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Mother Teresa's organization was investigated for child trafficking. She had conections with Robert Maxwell, The Vatican, Clintons, & Dr.Fauci.
Strange rumor a year ago that Dr.Fauci's wife Christine Grady is Robert Maxwell's daughter. If true, then the moronic -> Omnicron Virus push & the Ghizzlaine Maxwell trial timing would make sense.
Is Dr.Fauci's wife the kin of Robert Maxwell?? Not sure. Either way, Dr.Fauci has ties himself with known Trafficker Mother Teresa, who had a relationship with Robert Maxwell. Is Dr.Fauci the kin of Mother Teresa? Can't verify that either. Regardless, the ties are still there, blood or not.

Go figure Fake News would push the viruses into the masses & not the real cases like Ghizzlaine Maxwell case.
It's almost as if members of the media & the people who own & write for them, are involved in Child Trafficking.

Let's pray they ALL see justice for the crimes done into innocent children across the planet.

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The Kazarian civilization worshiped lucifer/ baal.. they were located around Russia/ Ukraine. They told everybody they were jewish in order to avoid the outcry of them being of lucifer. They were called the bolsheviks around the turn of the century. The Bolshivik revolution killed, murdered around 30 million or more by reports. now these same fake jewish bolsheviks went to israel when it formed. there was a lot of stuff in the news at the time because russia had a strict -you cannot leave russia thing going on. these bolsheviks/ zionists/ fake jews joined others like the Rothschilds / illuminati in israel / mossad. at the time Russia controlled the mossad. anyway all you hear nowdays is anti- semitism this, anti- semitism this, ect, ect it is never ending, hhmm have you ever heard of those who cry the loudest have something to hide------ bloodlines of the illuminati, politicians, hollywood,

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In order for victims of Jeffrey Epstein to receive compensation from the Epstein Victim's Compensation Program set up by his estate, they have to sign away their right to testify against Ghislaine Maxwell.
The Epstein Estate has paid out $125 million (so far) to about 150 individuals through this court-approved "voluntary compensation program".
Meaning for slightly less than a million dollars a piece, they have silenced 150 witnesses that might have otherwise testified against Ghislaine Maxwell, or in one of the other 7 lawsuits still active against Epstein.

They are buying off victims.

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In 1900, a man named Wilhelm Reich invented a way to cure cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and thousands of other ailments, within a few 15-minute sessions of sitting in the box above.

How was this possible? The 'box' is a carefully crafted 'orgone accumulator' which concentrates the orgone energy or life energy "Chi / Prana", and this has an incredible effect on patients.

The FDA banned Wilhelm's inventions and sentenced him to prison where he died in 1957.

General Patton
Did you know?

No US sailors witnessed the secret burial of Osama bin Laden.
The US government has not produced a single photo or video of bin Laden's body, an autopsy report, a death certificate, or DNA test results, and refuses to do so.

Even though he was the most wanted man on the planet for a decade, you will just have to trust the US govemment on this one.

General Patton
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Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels. The plan I have suggested is to disturb by powerful machinery the electricity of the earth, thus setting it in vibration. Proper appliances will be constructed to take up the energy transmitted by these vibrations, transforming them into a suitable form of power to be made available for the practical wants of life".
- Nikola Tesla

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Media is too big
Brief explanation of Agenda 21, which was agreed and signed by 179 nations. Covid was created and released as a means to further this agenda, so pay attention.

(Note: Agenda 21 is now referred to as Agenda 2030)

General Patton

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
- John Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
- John F. Kennedy was elected Presidentit 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
- Both wives lost a child while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
- Both Presidents were shot in the head.
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary wa snamed Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southemers
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincoln was born in 1808.
- Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy was bomin 1908
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839,
- Lee Haney Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names
- Both names ere composed of fiiteen letters.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named "Ford"
- Kennedy was shot in a car caled "Lincoln" made by"Ford.
Boothand Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
- A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a warehouse.
- Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a theater...

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Under Obama Presidency.. 👇

- His Vice President enriched his family in pay-for-play schemes with China, Russia, Ukraine, and Iraq.

- His FBI Director and CIA Director ran an illegal spying operation on the incoming President.

- His Attorney General organized a deadly operation that sold guns to Mexican cartels.

- His Secretary of State ran classified operations through a personal email server in her basement.

- His NSA Director oversaw the unconstitutional surveillance program Project PRISM.

- His IRS Director illegally targeted conservative organizations.

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For 20 years, the United States military has tightly controlled what the world can see of the detainees at Guantánamo Bay.

Goggles with duct tape over the lenses and earmuffs like those used at a shooting range were seen as a more protessional alternative to black hoods to make sure a prisoner could not see or perceive his surroundings.

Each detainee arrived at Guantánamo wearing a turquoise medical mask because military medical workers suspected some were carrying tuberculosis.

If the pictures in this collection had been taken by news photographers today, none would have survived the censorship imposed by the military at Guantánamo Bay.

C.I.A. agents would repurpose aspects of that program to interrogate and torture suspected senior members of Al Qaeda. History shows those enhanced interrogations would begin months later, after hundreds of detainees had been brought to Guantánamo Bay.

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TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform