Glenn Greenwald
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Note how often Democrats demand not only the censorship of their political opponents -- that's everyday -- but also their arrest by FBI and prosecution by DOJ.

They depicted Trump's 2016 "Lock Her Up" chant as Hitleresque, now want every Republican except Liz Cheney imprisoned.
One of the most overlooked political changes in the past 5 years is how much Dems have come to worship, revere and trust the US Security State - especially FBI and CIA - while Republicans regard these agencies with extreme distrust and contempt.

Dems love the US Security State.
I should note: it's not just FBI and CIA that are wildly popular with Democrats, while those US Security State agencies are regarded with skepticism by Republicans.

It's also true of the Dept of Homeland Security, created by Bush/Cheney in 2002. Dems revere it; GOP does not.
This unhinged NYT article and the cheering of it by the usual establishment mavens perfectly illustrates both the idiocy and utility of blaming US social strife on a few dozen Russians bots in St. Petersburg.

US elites are great! Anger in the US is due to Kremlin manipulation:
As usual, once you dig deep into articles about nefarious Kremlin bots, the numbers are so *trivial as to be laughable*, and they're forced to admit these conflicts long pre-date Russian trolls.

Look at these minuscule numbers. The NYT will likely give itself another Pulitzer.🍾
US elites spend many billions of dollars every two years on campaigns -- *billions.

CIA and MI6 collaborate with Omidyar, Soros and other liberal billionaires to fund the fraudulent "disinformation" industry.

But yeah, a few fake FB posts are the cause.
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Do you see why elite credentials are so meaningless?

When CIA brazenly dusts off one of its crusted, old Cold War scripts about Kremlin contamination and re-deploys it for the Trump era, it's not just MSNBC wine moms who swallow that shit up but also Yale's Jacob Urowsky Prof.
Viewing every individual as little more than their racial identity, imposing a racial framework on every last human event, and refusing to allow individuals to be judged outside of their racial category is an incredibly dreary, toxic and - yes - racist way to navigate life.
A reminder of Obama spoke and thought about Ukraine and Russia just 6 years ago.

Someone has changed, and I would suggest it's the political faction that is now in a full alignment with neocon warmongers like Bill Kristol, David Frum, all the beloved CIA/FBI/NSA cable stars.
Just as in the US, EU neoliberals who prattle on about "democracy" and who glorify themselves as defenders of "democratic values" mean only one thing by "democracy": total submission to their will.

Ideas they dislike are censored. Voters who defy their orders are punished.
This is a perfect illustration of how authoritarian so many Democrats are.

This Democrat doesn't know or care why career DOJ prosecutors decided the evidence was insufficient to prosecute Matt Gaetz.

What he knows is that Gaetz supports Trump, and thus wants him imprisoned:
Twitter and Facebook suspended numerous fake accounts which were spreading propaganda and disinformation to support US foreign policy and the US Security State.

Turns out these fake accounts were created and controlled by the Biden Pentagon😱.
In fact, if I'm reading this NYT article correctly, these online Pentagon influence operations "were similar to how Beijing often spreads disinformation" and "resembled the methods used by Russia to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

The US does this, too? 😲
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