Glenn Greenwald
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Viewing every individual as little more than their racial identity, imposing a racial framework on every last human event, and refusing to allow individuals to be judged outside of their racial category is an incredibly dreary, toxic and - yes - racist way to navigate life.
A reminder of Obama spoke and thought about Ukraine and Russia just 6 years ago.

Someone has changed, and I would suggest it's the political faction that is now in a full alignment with neocon warmongers like Bill Kristol, David Frum, all the beloved CIA/FBI/NSA cable stars.
Just as in the US, EU neoliberals who prattle on about "democracy" and who glorify themselves as defenders of "democratic values" mean only one thing by "democracy": total submission to their will.

Ideas they dislike are censored. Voters who defy their orders are punished.
This is a perfect illustration of how authoritarian so many Democrats are.

This Democrat doesn't know or care why career DOJ prosecutors decided the evidence was insufficient to prosecute Matt Gaetz.

What he knows is that Gaetz supports Trump, and thus wants him imprisoned:
Twitter and Facebook suspended numerous fake accounts which were spreading propaganda and disinformation to support US foreign policy and the US Security State.

Turns out these fake accounts were created and controlled by the Biden Pentagon😱.
In fact, if I'm reading this NYT article correctly, these online Pentagon influence operations "were similar to how Beijing often spreads disinformation" and "resembled the methods used by Russia to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

The US does this, too? 😲
And let's not lose sight of the key point:

The only reason Snowden -- who revealed illegal domestic spying -- can't come home is because the Obama Admin abused the Espionage Act to prosecute more whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined.👇
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I talked about this on Rogan's show: even Obama officials admit Snowden desperately tried to leave Russia from the first second he landed in Moscow, but - led by Biden - they did everything to trap him there. Then they used it to say he was a Russian spy.
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This is the face of authoritarianism - even though it looks different than you were taught to expect. And it's the mindset of tyrants everywhere:

This is someone so inebriated by her sense of righteousness and superiority that she views dissent as an evil too dangerous to allow.
2002: If you question US Foreign Policy, you're on the side of the Terrorists.

2022: If you question US Foreign Policy, you're on the side of Russia.

Both times this came from neocons, now on behalf of Dems. That's why one can discuss this only on Fox:
Starring former CIA Director John Brennan and his spokesperson Natasha Bertrand, as usual.

How many times did this duo lie over and over during the last 6 years, passing off all sorts of hoaxes - Alfa Bank, Hunter laptop, Havana Syndrome -- as true?

The Disinformation Duo.
If, after 20 years of this same tactic, you want to keep believing it - to the point of now believing Russia blew up their own pipeline - have at it.

Maybe it's worth seeing some proof rather than gullibly believing these same lying "journalists" and CIA sources over and over?
This era's most deranged, unhinged and dangerous conspiracy theory didn't come from QAnon, 4Chan or KiwiFarms.

It came from NBC, CNN and Dems - led by CIA: Putin seized control of the US through blackmail over Trump, even as Trump assaulted Russia's most vital interests.
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