Glenn Greenwald
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Biden is so widely and intensely unpopular that even his handling of Ukraine -- long an issue that united large majorities of Americans -- is now disapproved of by a majority of Americans (46% approve, 52% disapprove).

Kamala's approval rating down to 32% (!).
Glenn Greenwald
Liberals really do believe they are so enlightened and evolved on social justice issues that they own all marginalized groups and the members of them, to the point they think they're entitled not just to lecture you about them but use bigoted tropes against those who reject them.
Censorship of dissent on COVID pronouncements from Fauci and WHO was implemented upon endless pressure from Dems and the EU. But now, with the war in Ukraine, the censorship has become *formally mandated by law* -- a major escalation:
This is how liberal journalists in corporate media have completely destroyed their credibility. It's why nobody trusts them. They make up lies or recklessly spread lies about anyone they regard as their ideological enemy, and almost everyone knows this.
Liberals united with life-long CIA operatives to celebrate a foreign government's blacklist of US citizens and foreign leaders (e.g. Lula) decreed to be "Russian propagandists" for criticizing US foreign policy: can't think of a better symbol of modern-day liberalism than this:
Watching them so brazenly re-define how they have always used "recession," and then Paul Krugman adding it doesn't matter if we're in one or not (it doesn't matter for him), all to protect the Biden WH, is a new level of audacity no matter how low your opinion of them already is:
Highlighting the radical difference between the international left and whatever passes for the US "left" (just a branding flank of the Dem Party), Jeremy Corbyn urges the West to stop arming Ukraine, arguing it's just prolonging the war with no benefits:
August 16 is the day Wyoming holds its primary, and if polling data holds up, it will be one of the saddest nights for American liberals in many months if not longer. It is likely to mark the end of the political career of Mother Jones' Hero of 2021.
The primary purpose of isolating Trump as an unprecedented, singular evil is to allow the war criminals, corrupt scumbags and lawless and sociopathic monsters who preceded him to find absolution and redemption with the cheap tactic of opposing Trump. This one tweet shows it all.
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And here's the part of the discussion on *why* the Cheneys -- with the Bushes -- hate Trump so much. It's not because they're noble patriots who cherish the rule of law (😱).

It's because Trump ran - and won - denouncing their neoconservative worldview, now the Dem worldview:
I said this in 2020.
Note how often Democrats demand not only the censorship of their political opponents -- that's everyday -- but also their arrest by FBI and prosecution by DOJ.

They depicted Trump's 2016 "Lock Her Up" chant as Hitleresque, now want every Republican except Liz Cheney imprisoned.
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