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[Sent by – 7 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 5 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 7 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 12 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 8 Jul]

Updates on Phase 3 (Heightened Alert)

From 12 Jul
🍴 F&B dine-in: max 5 pax per group

🏋 Sports/exercise activities
- Indoor mask-off: max 5 pax per group
- Classes: max 50 pax (in groups of max 5 pax)

💍 Wedding receptions can resume, max 250 pax allowed with Pre-Event Testing

💼 WFH remains default; workplace social gatherings allowed in groups of max 5 pax

Fully vaccinated persons can engage in more community/economic activities at end of Jul if:
- Situation continues to be stable
- At least 50% of population has been vaccinated

🧪 Increased testing
- From 15 Jul, mandatory testing for staff in higher risk activities
- From 16 Jul, sale of ART self-test kits at supermarkets, convenience stores & designated pharmacies

More at:
[Sent by – 8 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 3 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 13 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 16 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 9 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 1 new case of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 9 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 10 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 10 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed there are no new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 6 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 11 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 1 new case of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 7 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 8 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 12 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 8 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 18 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 26 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 13 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 19 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 7 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 26 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 14 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 56 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 4 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 60 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
[Sent by – 15 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 42 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 6 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 48 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

🔷 Work or freelance in dine-in F&B, personal care services or gyms & fitness studios, but don’t know how to register for the Fast & Easy Test (FET)?

Find out more at FET hotline 6876 5830.
[Sent by – 16 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 53 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 8 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 61 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

1️⃣ Seniors aged 60 and above can walk into any Vaccination Centre (except polyclinics and GP clinics) to get vaccinated.

2️⃣ Seniors who walked in to a Vaccination Centre may approach any Community Clubs/Centres’ counter service to bring forward their second dose. They can also call the COVID-19 hotline at 1800-333-9999 to reschedule.
[Sent by – 17 Jul]

Aggressive ringfencing of KTV cluster

- Those who visited hotspots same time as confirmed cases
➡️ will receive SMS
➡️ required by law to get tested

🧪 Free tests for those who visited locations from 29 Jun-15 Jul

Suspension of nightlife establishments that pivoted to F&B from 16-30 Jul

Tightening of SMMs: 19 Jul-8 Aug

🍴F&B Dine-in
1️⃣ Hawker centres, coffee shops, food courts: max 2 pax

2️⃣ Other F&B dine-in with systems to check vaccination status, up to 5 pax allowed if:
- all fully vaccinated;
- recovered from COVID-19; or
- have negative PET result
🔹 5 pax can include children 12 y.o. & below

🏸 Sports activities
🔹 Indoor mask-off: max 2 per group, up to 30 pax per class
🔹 Indoor mask-on/outdoor: max 5 per group, up to 50 pax per class

📁 WFH remains default
- Workplace social gatherings disallowed
[Sent by – 17 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 60 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 8 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 68 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

1️⃣ Visit to book your vaccination. To bring forward your second dose, click on the personalised booking link in the SMS from MOH to reschedule.

2️⃣ Seniors with mobility issues can contact the Silver Generation Office (SGO) at 1800-650-6060 to arrange for your vaccination to be done at home.
[Sent by – 18 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 88 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 4 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 92 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

1️⃣ Seniors aged 60 and above can walk into any Vaccination Centre, polyclinic or participating Public Health Preparedness Clinic to get vaccinated.

2️⃣ Seniors who walked into a Vaccination Centre may approach any Community Clubs/Centres’ counter service to bring forward their second dose. They can also call the COVID-19 hotline at 1800-333-9999 to reschedule.
[Sent by – 19 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 163 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 9 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 172 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

1️⃣ Visit to book your vaccination. To bring forward your 2nd dose, click on the link in MOH’s SMS to reschedule.

2️⃣ Seniors with mobility issues can contact the Silver Generation Office at 1800-650-6060 to arrange for vaccination to be done at home.

3️⃣ Due to concerns over the potential for community spread, unvaccinated individuals (e.g. elderly) are advised to stay home as much as possible over the next few weeks.
[Sent by – 20 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 182 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 13 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 195 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

1️⃣ Seniors aged 60 and above can walk into any Vaccination Centre, polyclinic or participating Public Health Preparedness Clinic to get vaccinated.

2️⃣ Seniors who walk into a Vaccination Centre may approach any Community Clubs/Centres’ counter service to bring forward their 2nd dose or call 1800-333-9999 to reschedule.
[Sent by – 21 Jul]

Return to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert): 22 Jul-18 Aug

➡️ Social gatherings: Max 2 gatherings/day (max group size: 2)
➡️ Max 2 unique visitors per household/day
🏠 Grandchildren cared for by grandparents daily exempted from limit

🍴 No F&B dine-in; only takeaway/delivery allowed

🏋️ No indoor mask-off sports/exercise activities & classes

💆‍♀️ No mask-off personalised services (e.g. facials)

Scaling down events
- Live performances, worship services, wedding solemnisations:
Max 100 pax w PET, 50 pax w/o PET

🔹 Work-at-home remains default

🔹 Mandatory SafeEntry Check-in at wet markets and hawker centres

These measures will help to contain the current outbreak, while we press ahead to increase vaccination coverage. Seniors who are unvaccinated are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.
[Sent by – 21 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 179 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 2 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 181 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

1️⃣ Visit to book your vaccination. To bring forward your 2nd dose, click on the link in MOH’s SMS to reschedule.

2️⃣ Seniors with mobility issues can contact the Silver Generation Office at 1800-650-6060 to arrange for vaccination to be done at home.

3️⃣ Due to concerns over the potential for community spread, unvaccinated individuals (e.g. elderly) are advised to stay home as much as possible over the next few weeks.
[Sent by – 22 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 162 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 8 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 170 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

1️⃣ Seniors aged 60 and above can walk into any Vaccination Centre, polyclinic or participating Public Health Preparedness Clinic to get vaccinated.

2️⃣ Seniors who walk into a Vaccination Centre may approach any Community Clubs/Centres’ counter service to bring forward their 2nd dose or call 1800-333-9999 to reschedule.
[Sent by – 23 Jul]

As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed 130 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection.

There are 3 imported cases today, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. In total, there are 133 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.
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