Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
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Irish Nationalist History & Politics Channel, with a side dish of shitposting. Use of the channel has changed since August 2020 but name stays cause its funny.

No, I am not on Twitter at all. I repost stuff from Twitter.
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Sept 27th 1662, 'An Act for encouraging Protestant Strangers and others to inhabit and plant in the Kingdom of Ireland' was passed.

It introduced extremely liberal immigration laws to grow the economy, promising that settlers would be "deemed as if they and every one of them had been or were born within this kingdom of Ireland".

"The only condition of the Act of Parliament is that they should be Protestants, and that they should have transported themselves into the country with intent to settle."

Nation-destruction through immigration isn't a new thing.
Literally all of these organizations are NGOs that receive Government funding. That isn't me being lazy, go and look up these orgs and you'll see Uplift, TENI, INAR etc all receive government funding.

I would say use the website 'benefacts' to do this check but they recently shut that site down because transparency in regards taxpayer funds going to NGOs isn't allowed anymore.

The Far-Right Observatory is also run by well known Antifa stooge Mark Malone with contributions from Piaras MacÉinrí and perhaps also Dieter Reinisch, a German Antifa spook. Reinisch co-authored an article that was posted on a German Antifa Doxxing website with some Irish names on it. This website also works alongside Hope Not Hate.

The Far Right Observatory also received €112,500 in state funding. The FRO also received even more funding from US Technocrat org Peter Kinney and Lisa Sandquist Foundation which also donated millions more to other Irish leftist NGOs.
If Mary Lou's Sinn Féin was the inevitable conclusion of Irish Nationalism

Then this was the inevitable conclusion of the Glorious Revolution
Story of a black or brown woman shouting at elderly Irishwomen and their grandkids, calling them racists and white trash, because the family asked her to move from the seats on the train that they had reserved and which their names were on, to which the black/brown person whipped themselves up into a frenzy calling them racist. The black/brown woman also threatened to assault the elderly women.

The Irishwomen even tried being nice at first, saying she doesn't have to move but to please move her bags from the rest of the seats.

Makes it funnier then that the Black/Brown woman didn't even pay for a ticket at all. Recommend listening to the audio clip in link.

Its cliché but imagine the races were reversed.

"She said that they were f*****g racist bitches and that they were white trash."

Monica said the ticket inspector then got involved - but ultimately did nothing.

"He said, 'Where's your ticket?' and she had no ticket," she said.

"She turned on him, she was abusive to him as well - calling him the same thing - and she just wasn't moving."

"There were other families and young children on the train - it was packed,” she said.
Tommy Tiernan has sponsorships removed after an African woman in the audience was offended by a joke he made involving the “African savannah” and “taxi drivers”

“He starts the joke, and he starts talking about penguins looking like nuns with the rosary beads and I thought ‘nice one’ and I’m laughing,” she said.

She had no issue when the joke was about Catholics.

Tommy deserves this cancellation though because his show have been platforming these sorts of people anyway.
Throwback to when Sinn Féin were giving presentations about banning fluoride in water
Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
Throwback to when Sinn Féin were giving presentations about banning fluoride in water
The woman in the photo at the Sinn Féin presentation is Aisling Fitzgibbon who use to “strip” in protest of Fluoride in water lmao
Early 2010s was general weird period in Ireland

2/3 people here are considered far right now and the Fluoride woman has disappeared to do some other Health Grift but at the time lot of these people were involved with the Water Protests that got People Before Profit etc into power
Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
Early 2010s was general weird period in Ireland 2/3 people here are considered far right now and the Fluoride woman has disappeared to do some other Health Grift but at the time lot of these people were involved with the Water Protests that got People Before…
For example again - here’s Dee Wall who has numerous articles written on her about how she’s an evil far right agitator etc etc

But in photo back during Water Protests in early 2010s, she’s protesting and having a laugh with Paul Murphy
Also had Gemma O’Doherty giving presentations at Sinn Féin summer schools

Shows how fast things move in that within less than a decade a lot of these figures associated with the Water Protests and thus springboard for Leftist parties during austerity years in Ireland like People Before Profit etc have now been branded as far right actors by their former allies
Sinn Féin and Ming Flanagan in the early 2010s during the Water Protests looked at this and said “brilliant. need to get on board.”
Rate photo of Mary Lou McDonald and Gemma O’Doherty

Again - just to show the shift from early 2010s to now
You also had the case of 3 Shinner TDs Boomer Facebook Rants:

Chris Andrews ranting on about how Mossad did 9/11 and liking Facebook comments how “Hitler may not have been wrong” in regards to Jews in Israel

Martin Browne doing the same along with posting about how the planes hitting the twin towers were holograms etc

And Réada Cronin doing the same alongside talking about Rothschild bankers etc as well as anti-fluoride stuff and pushing idea there’s pedo rings within Irish judge circles

The posts were mostly made in early 2010s but during 2020 general election they were dug up and used as easy dirt against Sinn Fein and they were forced to apologise for antisemitism etc
Sinn Féin TD Brian Stanley was the one who introduced the bill to try ban Fluoride in Irish water and also tried to speak about the dangers of 5g in the Dáil
People Before Profit newsletter in 2014 during Water Protests mentioning removing Fluoride from water
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