Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
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Irish Nationalist History & Politics Channel, with a side dish of shitposting. Use of the channel has changed since August 2020 but name stays cause its funny.

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Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
Fun facts on Joseph McGrath: In a strongly worded letter, written in red ink, McGrath warned Collins not to take his last, ill-fated trip to Cork After his resignation in March 1924 over the Army Mutiny controversy, he became labour adviser to Siemens-Schuckert…
Btw, I'm going to get back to continuing this spree of posts soon, was waiting for book to arrive and had fatigue / was also very busy irl but expect some juicy stuff soon in understanding the development of Ireland during the founding years of the Free State and its failures!
Love of country, love of the scenes of childhood, love of the soil from which we spring, is strong and enduring ; but love of kind, love of blood and brotherhood, is, if possible, more potent and imperishable. This love at once invokes history and tradition, penetrates the misty realms of the past, chasing back enquiry to aboriginal conditions, migrating fortunes and primitive alliances.

It also follows up and watches through the culminating & spreading epochs of a people marks their varying movements, and anticipates their destiny. Of no race, perhaps, arc these remarks more true than of our own.

The nervous Greek, the plastic Italian, the philosophic German, the vivacious Frenchman, and the matter-of-fact Englishman, may not greatly cherish this pride of race, this ancestral affection, this blood relationship; but the Irishman, mercurial though be his nature, entertains it as the noblest attribute of his national character.

Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
Love of country, love of the scenes of childhood, love of the soil from which we spring, is strong and enduring ; but love of kind, love of blood and brotherhood, is, if possible, more potent and imperishable. This love at once invokes history and tradition…
The Athenian of to-day, it is said, knows little of, and perhaps cares less for, the Solons and the Socrates, of the great old classic era of his country ; but what modern Irishman, be his lot cast in Connaught or Canada, California or the African Cape, is not willing to lay down his life for the preservation of the memory of Milesius, Ossian, St. Patrick, or Brian Boru? It matters not to him whether the religion of the hero or benefactor of his race be Catholic, Protestant, or Pagan : his deep rooted love, veneration, and sense of gratitude, equally exhibit the same ardour and passion."


Speech delivered at the dinner of the St. Patrick's Society, Toronto, on the 17th of March, 1860, in response to the sentiment of " The Irish race at home and abroad" - Full Speech Here
Roderic O’Gorman has just unveiled the “National Plan Against Racism” which may as well been written by Ebun Joseph and INAR since its just a “how to apply Critical Race Theory to Irish Society”

Some Bullets points

- Special Garda units for Hate Speech etc
- Tax payer funded legal advice for those experiencing racism
- Diversity quotas for employers
- Changes to the education curriculum to “combat racist bias”
- Migrant homeless to have special treatment over native homeless
- Easier for migrants to access social benefits like HAP
- Racial equality officers in all arts / sports etc to ensure anti racism messages
- Codes of Practice to be followed by media when talking about migrants
- hate speech “elimination”
- Removing systemic racism
- Mandatory anti racism training for all the public sector
- workers and employers guide to combat racism

There’s way more than that you can read below:
“It would appear however that Joseph looks set to want to make a small fortune while lecturing us natives on our racist habits, as shown by the pricing list of her new institute.

You can now become politically civilised for a fee of €1750 - €2450. The price for a course on diversity within the workplace comprising of 21 hours of Zoom lectures, as well as some self-learning activities.

Not the only course available through the institute for similar amounts, you could also take courses on Black Studies or Critical Race Theory.”

Now thinks that this will be funded by the taxpayer more than likely for the mandatory anti racism training in the public sector…
Shadowbanning terms like "Plantation" it seems
Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
Ming Flanagan loved a bit of “stripping against Fluoride” “sapirse McHugh stripping against fluoride”
2011 Throwback:

Economist David McWilliams organised a meeting with Eamonn Blaney, son of former Fianna Fáil TD minister Neil Blaney, to form a political party named “New Vision.”

Among the familiar faces who ran in its 2011 and only electoral campaign are:

- Luke “Ming” Flanagan (who was only person elected)
- John McGuirk, later founder of Gript
- Sharon Keogan
Another 2011 relic is Fís Nua - which means the same thing (New Vision) in Irish but this was mostly a mix of Green and Labour Party people in 2011. Yeah idk why these 2 parties had the same name lmfao

They didn’t do well at all and in 2016 one of their candidates, Niamh O’Brien, had an incident with a Garda while “high on cannabis” which led to the injury of one officer after she wouldn’t take a road side test and was banned from driving for 5 years lol

They haven’t contested elections since 2016 and are still a registered party and still have an active Facebook and in 2019 were telling people to vote for Gemma O’Doherty and also talked about merging with that other dinosaur “Direct Democracy Ireland”

Shows again the weirdness of Post-Recession / Austerity Years politics in Ireland in which the current Left like People Before Profit etc sprang from
This proclamation is to inform all in this country that the present meeting and assembly of the Irish is in no way intended against the King, or to hurt any of his subjects either of the English or the Scottish nation; but only for the defence and liberty of ourselves and of the natives of the Irish nation.

We order all people at once to return to their homes, under pain of death, and promise that any hurt done to any person or persons shall be at once repaired.”

- The First Proclamation of Dungannon by Sir Phelim O’Neill, 24 October 1641, which started the Irish Rebellion of 1641 and later War of the Three Kingdoms.
Remember during Covid when RTÉ had the documentary that pushed full Cheddar Man and said the original Irish were actually Nigerians with Blue Contact Lenses?
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