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Truth. Faith. Freedom.
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A new Gallup poll has found that a mere 1 per cent of Americans view Russia as a major problem, with far more concern expressed about inflation, bad governance and the state of the economy.
Responding to Europe’s energy crisis, Spain has controversially banned air conditioning from dropping below 27°C (80.6°F) in the summer.

Media is too big
Pure Evil.

She says it right, children are the most valued commodity amongst the pedophile elites.

I pray there will be justice.
Media is too big
Tucker on China vs. Taiwan led by an 82 year old narcissist.
These last two years have been a total rollercoaster ride and it’s still ongoing! 🤪 I am developing quite a skill at remaining calm, balanced and centred through the crazy ups and downs!

This is what the world needs, for those of us that are aware of things, to remain focused on what’s important and not let ourselves be carried away emotionally as the madness plays out.

The silver lining behind the low points of the ride, is that lots more people are jumping on our ‘awakened’ wagon each time and that is ultimately what will bring us victory.

We only win when a critical mass stands together in civic disobedience... mmm... not sure I like that phrase... 🤔 I think I prefer: ‘We only win when a critical mass stands together in determined defiance!’ Yes! that sounds much more empowering to me. 😁

Humanity as a whole is a victim of abuse, and there is unfortunately a great degree of ‘Stockholm syndrome’ amongst the population, but like in the case of any victim of abuse, every blow, every punch, every push, brings a chance of waking up, of standing up, and of finally deciding ‘enough is enough’. That is the decision humanity as a whole needs to make.

Enough is enough. But let’s not stop at mandates and restrictions, it’s enough of taxation extortion, it’s enough of endoctrination instead of education, it’s enough of drug therapy instead of natural healing, it’s enough of depravation, lack of morality and values, it’s enough of wrong being right and right being wrong! It’s enough of blurring the lines of what is decent, what is true, what is right, what is natural and what is human.

Enough is enough of going down the path of evil! Let’s turn around and walk towards the light, with love, with truth, with hope, with faith and with freedom.
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Goodnight my friends! ❤️
One of the biggest stumbling blocks that people find in accepting the truth, is the recognition that pure evil exists.

For some reason we reject and resist the notion that unthinkable evil takes place in the hands of those we have been sold as knowledgeable, educated and respectable.

Inevitably you get the dreaded question: ‘Why would they do that?’ ‘Why would they want to harm us?’ and yet if you look back at history the powerful have been harming us for power and control since the world began!

Now they have more sophisticated and efficient ways of harming us, look at what is happening right now. Now they have silent killers; bioweapons in the form of engineered viruses and ‘vaccines’.

The more of us in the world, the more drastic their measures become to keep us under control, both in numbers and capabilities (a dumbed down, unhealthy population is incapable of insurrection).

I understand, that as good people that we mostly are, the notion of such evil is hard to swallow, but if you take a moment to reflect on it, you might understand that evil has existed since Eve took the bite of that damn apple!

The sooner we accept the nature of our enemy the sooner we can start building our defence.
The first step: embrace God as the light that is within you. The next step, be prepared to fight for that light. Let nobody and nothing dimm it.

With these two convictions you are now armed and fearless to face whatever comes your way.
Evil is powerful only as far as you will allow it to be. That is the TRUTH.
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Good morning my friends!
This is such a valuable thing to bear in mind. 100% true.
- erectile dysfunction (ED) is known side effect of CV-19 shots 💉 😳

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Ron DeSantis “Why should people choose between a job they need and a shot they don’t want?”
- 'number of kids you have' now directly linked to risk of heart attack ! 🤣🤣🤣

It just keeps getting more ludicrous!

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- loneliness & social isolation can now cause heart attack & strokes...experts warn.

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The aluminium in chemtrails have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzhiemer's and Autism.
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