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It seems to me the scene is being set for war.

The West, or I should say, the globalists, keep provoking both Russia and China, which is nothing short of suicidal. But then again, we know that their plans of a Great Reset, require the complete destruction of the current financial system; WWIII would achieve that for them.

The lockdowns, the crafted energy crisis, the ridiculous attack on farming and agriculture (in the name of climate change), the engineered weather disasters, the sanctions and the resulting inflation, are all ways of ultimately destroying people’s financial independence.

Small and medium businesses will not survive, everything will end up in the hands of fewer and fewer corporations, which is exactly their goal, but if you add war to the mix, they will achieve it even faster.

They have been creating wars to further their agenda for centuries, it’s the quickest way to destabilise nations which can then be bought cheap through unpayable amounts of debt, that’s what the IMF is for. War also grants them powers they don’t have under normal circumstances.

Their plans are outrageously ambitious, in summary, they want us to give up our personal and national sovereignty.

There will no longer be individual nations, no more private property, no financial independence and therefore no freedom. We will have no privacy, and no bodily autonomy. We will be controlled, surveyed, chipped and probably stuck in tiny dwellings in huge smart cities, hooked on drugs and the Metaverse. Mr Harari has been very explicit about what’s coming for us ‘useless people’.

Although they have certainly achieved many stages of this Orwellian plan, they still have to get us through the finish line. A nuclear standoff is certainly one possibility, a fake alien attack is the other.

I was hoping for the latter, at least it’s more creative, they have used the war card far too many times already, but who knows!

In the meantime, things are definitely heating up and so here we are, waiting, watching, expecting, dreading, anticipating, preparing, warning, resisting… It’s exhausting.

Hoping for the best but preparing for the worse is the smart thing to do and making sure you remain mentally, physically and above all, spiritually strong, is key to not being swallowed back into the matrix and it’s fear porn.

Our light will guide us, our hearts will feed us and our faith will get us there. Hang in there. You are not alone.
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I hope you guys have a better start of the day! 🤣🤣🤣
Good morning my friends! ❤️
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Let’s have a healthy breakfast!
(Those ears are too much! 😂)
R.I.P. 🙏😔
R.I.P. 🙏😔
R.I.P. 🙏😔
R.I.P. 🙏😔
R.I.P. 🙏😔
R.I.P. 🙏😔
The suddenly and unexpected deaths keep mountin up… 🤦🏻‍♀️😞 What a heartbroken world this will be… So many loved ones gone!
Well, well, well… in the name of ‘sustainability’ and ‘preservation’ they are getting away with everything…

Do you really think they invest time and money into cloning to make sure certain species do not go extinct?

Guess who they really want to clone… yes, they want to clone YOU, preferably without your God given spirit and now, thanks to the PCR tests they have everyone’s DNA to be able to do so.

These people are psychopaths.
There’s just one word missing in the text, the key to all the deaths, the elephant in the room that the media keeps ignoring, just one word needs to be inserted between the word ‘Covid-19’ and ‘hidden’.
Anyone wishes to solve the riddle? (Subtle hint: 💉)

‼️Worth noting: More people have died in the first quarter of this year than in any of the last 41 years! 😱
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Kamala as a border Tzar?

“It’s really a joke and everyone knows it”
Your government is run by pedophiles.
How Zelensky Lost Four Territories to Russia by not Conceding One

If Zelensky accepted the Minsk II Agreements, Crimea would have remained Russian, Donetsk & Lugansk would have been autonomous states within Ukraine, and Zaporizhzia & Kherson would have remained in Ukraine.

By not accepting the Minsk II Peace Agreements Zelensky has lost not only Donetsk & Lugansk but two more regions of Ukraine, Zaporizhzia and Kherson, which look as though they will be integrated into the Russian Federation in a week or so.

It doesn't take a military genius to understand that if Ukraine has not regained these territories with its full army, Russia adding 300,000 soldiers means they never will.

Zelensky's warmongering has therefore lost two plus two extra territories, while a negotiated peace would have reintegrated two autonomous states back within Ukraine by conceding Crimea.

Peace was the better choice for Ukraine, this seems beyond question in any rational discussion.
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