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Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📺 WATCH: Complete video (fully dubbed in English) of Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's news conference following the High-Level Week of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly. Talking points: 🔹 Future world order: Western hegemony or democratic…
🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s news conference following the High-Level Week of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly

📍 New York, September 24, 2022

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💬 The hysterics we are witnessing are highly indicative. A direct expression of will by the people has long ceased to be a way of establishing control over this or that territory the West can accept or support.

I would like to remind you about Vladimir Zelensky’s interview in August 2021, during which he stated that these were not people who were living in eastern Ukraine, but rather “creatures”, and that those of its residents who regarded themselves as Russians, wanted to speak Russian and wanted their children and grandchildren to have a future, should ship out to Russia. It was Vladimir Zelensky who started the process that made life of ethnic Russians in Ukraine intolerable and has ultimately led to referendums on the accession of these territories to the Russia.

⚡️ Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing on current foreign policy issues at 2 PM MSK (approximately) on September 29, 2022.

In light of measures taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and WHO recommendations on holding public events via teleconferencing, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson will answer media questions received by the call centre. Accredited journalists will be sent detailed information concerning the technical aspects of submitting questions.

Accreditation is open until 10 am on September 28.

Questions for the briefing are accepted until 10 am on September 28.
🗓 On September 28th, 2022, 10.00 (MSK / GMT +3), the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry will hold an International Conference «Crimes of Japanese militarism: historical dimension and contemporary perspective».

The discussions will focus on:
• Japan's militarist aggressive policy in the 1930s-1940s and preparations for the war against the USSR.
Tokyo International Military Tribunal for Japanese War Criminals (1946-1948): legal aspects and «weak points».
• From the 1949 Khabarovsk trial of Japanese war criminals responsible for the development and testing of bacteriological weapons, to modern times. Lessons learned by Tokyo from its military past?

Unique historical archival documents will be presented.

Media representatives are invited for accreditation until September 27th, 16.00 (GMT +3) by e-mail: [email protected]
📞 Contact phone number: +7 (499) 940-09-89.

The conference will be broadcasted remotely on the platform.

🔴 Watch online on September 28
📄 Africa has its sovereign right to choose partners

Oleg Ozerov, Ambassador-at-large, Head of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia


💬 As was announced several days ago, on 13th September, the second Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, with me having the privilege to be the Head of its Secretariat, was scheduled for the next summer of 2023. An Organizing Committee headed by Yuri Ushakov, aide of the President of the Russian Federation, was established to therefore prepare.

This Summit is designed to give a new impetus to the African-Russian political, trade and economic, investment, scientific and technical as well as humanitarian co-operation and thus, turn it even more integrated and comprehensive in nature.

Though a careful analysis of the information from other international actors within the framework of preparations for the Forum forces us to state openly that there are forces in the world that stand against such a full-fledged and mutually beneficial cooperation of African States with Russia, and what is remarkable, those actors themselves are not Africans.

A statement of Josep Borrell, Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, that has been published on the EU website, as well as a number of his statements made during his recent travels to Mozambique, Kenya and Somali when he snatched an opportunity to accuse Russia of all the world troubles and called on the African partners to construct a closer cooperation with Europe have come into particular notice.


Today, using Russia as an example, we are witnessing how the West is trying to deprive sovereign states of their independence through the use of a system of collective punishment, violation of basic political and economic rights, and harsh illegitimate unilateral restrictions.


Unfortunately, this policy of double standards can today be applied to any country that does not fit into the Western value system. African nations have for decades experienced firsthand the consequences of illegal economic restrictions introduced for the purposes of political blackmail, in some cases – to achieve a change of political leadership. The West has consistently introduced sanctions against Burundi, the DRC, Zimbabwe, Libya, Mali, Somalia, Sudan, the CAR, Ethiopia, South Sudan. The list goes on.


The West's hypocrisy goes as far as denying African partners through its own sanctions access to food and fertilizer supplied by Russian companies.


We stand for the sovereignty and independent development of the African continent, which is one of the regional centres of power in the new world order and, like Russia, has its own political and economic agenda. Furthermore, Russia is ready to become a provider of African sovereignty, and the upcoming Russia-Africa summit will be convincing proof of this.

#OTD in 1815 the #HolyAlliance was formed in Paris by Alexander I of Russia, Francis I of Austria, and Frederick William III of Prussia - following the victory of the Coalition in the Napoleonic Wars.

✍️ It was eventually signed by all European rulers except the Prince Regent of Britain, the Ottoman sultan, and the Pope.

☝️ The principal aim of the Alliance was to make every effort to prevent the revolutionary influence.

✝️ Its main purpose - promoting Christian principles in the affairs of nations

🤝 The Union organized four Congresses to work out the principle of intervention into the European countries home affairs.
President Vladimir Putin expressed deep condolences in connection with the tragedy in Izhevsk, offered 🕯 his deepest condolences to all those who lost their loved ones, their children in this tragedy, and wishes a full recovery to those who were injured in this inhuman terrorist act.
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🇺🇳 High-Level Week of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly is over.

The Russian delegation had no time for respite: over 40 meetings, talks and events, FM Sergey #Lavrov 🤝 shook hands with dozens of foreign colleagues, voiced Russia's principled positions on topical international issues and our global future.

📹 4 days of hard work – condensed in a 1 minute long video

Day 1 ➡️ Day 2 ➡️ Day 3 ➡️ Day 4
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🇷🇺 Russia's EMERCOM has found and defused over 65'000 mines and explosive devices in Donbass since March.

📹 @MchsRussia
Forwarded from Russian Mission Geneva
A Russian representative at the UN HRC 51st Session:

We would like to once again draw attention to the unprecedented campaign unleashed in the Baltic states, the goals of which are barbaric mass demolitions of monuments to Soviet soldiers and liberators, harassment and discrimination of their own Russian-speaking population.

🛑 The nationalist circles of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have been purposefully taking measures for many years to maintain the Russophobic course of their states. Russian-language kindergartens, schools and curricula are being scrapped, which significantly limits the right to receive education in the native language for the Russian-speaking minority.

We strongly urge the Acting High Commissioner and specialized special procedures to publicly condemn these discriminatory and barbaric practices, and the legal experts – to take them into account when considering the human rights situation in these countries.

🎙 Statement by the Russian Federation on the false allegations against the Russian Federation made by Ukraine

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👉 Ukrainian Armed Forces deployed its troops and heavy military equipment in residential areas, using civilian houses and socially significant facilities as a cover.

The UAF troops and heavy equipment, deployed in residential areas close to the contact line in violation of the Minsk Package of Measures, were spotted multiple times by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine monitors.

👉 Ukraine’s innuendos on ‘Russia’s deadly atrocities in Ukraine’ are aimed to diverse attention from the military crimes committed by Ukraine itself in Donbass and the Azov sea region.

The UAF constantly shell residential areas in Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Thus, since the spring of 2014, UAF have committed numerous deadly atrocities in the DPR and LPR, including the acts of shelling Alchevsk, Donetsk, Khartsyzk, Logvinovo and other cities.
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 The EU is seriously considering changing its main political decision-making process, that is, the principle of consensus. The formal reason is the so-called vox populi, as if moving from unanimous decisions to qualified majority voting was the main takeaway from the Conference on the Future of Europe.

During the conference, the European “public” has allegedly asked its leaders to stop wasting time on coordinating the opinions of all EU citizens and countries and urged them to embark on the path of “genuine democracy.” This performance, clearly orchestrated in Brussels, was designed to present the burial of the principle of consensus as the will of the people. Ursula von der Leyen and the European Commission are clearly furious that not everyone in Europe is ready to dance to the Americans’ tune.

The EU founding fathers anticipated that this could happen, which is why they adopted a legal provision that complicated any attempt to transition from consensus to voting. In fact, such a transition is impossible without consensus approval under the passerelle clause or in any other way. The basic EU treaties have been formulated so that the opinion of even the smallest EU country and nation must be taken into account. This is the covenant formulated by the old-school democrats who rebuilt Europe amid the ruins of WWII.

Brussels should know that backsliding on the principle of consensus will undermine EU’s legal and even philosophical and political foundations. Consensus is the result of coordinating decisions, which is always done in advance and is often an extremely difficult process. It requires balancing the interests of all parties, discussing a range of solutions to different problems, as well as respect and equality. Voting is the process by which the majority adopts plans. At this moment in history, the West has fully discredited the meanings of “majority” and “minority,” as well as voting as a process.

The difference between real and phony democracy is that real democracy takes into account the opinion of both the majority and the minority, which in turn paves the way to consensus. If Brussels yields to von der Leyen’s pressure and tries to convince a majority to give her the green light, and if Europe abandons the consensus rule, it will deal the final blow to the founding principle of the European Union, at least as we know it.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Vienna
🗓️ On September 27, 1927 prominent Soviet and Russian diplomat, Doctor of Historical Sciencies Roland Timerbaev was born

🇷🇺 From 1988 to 1992 he served as Permanent Representative of the USSR (later - of the Russian Federation) to the International Organizations in Vienna

🧐 #DYK? Roland Timerbaev was one of the authors of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

🤝 FM Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at a meeting with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Abkhazia Inal Ardzinba

💬 We appreciate your principled position on issues linked with the causes of the crisis in Ukraine. We will continue to support the expansion of your international relations. In March 2022, Abkhazia and the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics recognised each other. We will support you in every way here.

Today, we will sign the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia on Resolving Dual Citizenship Issues. This will benefit the citizens of Russia and Abkhazia and help expand contacts between people.

💬 Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in response to a tweet by Radek Sikorski: ex Polish FM, now European MP Radek Sikorski has thanked the US 👆 (tweet above) for today's incident at the Russian gas pipeline (Nord Stream 2).

Is it an official statement on this being a terrorist attack?
🇷🇺🇺🇳 Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia raising a point of order during UNSC briefing on the situation in Ukraine

💬 Again, we would like to put on record our position regarding another attempt of our Western colleagues to “push through” the online participation of president Zelensky of Ukraine in this meeting.

We repeatedly stressed that we are not opposed to the participation of President Zelensky or his representative per se. But they must be physically present in this room.

Security Council must not turn into a platform for political shows or a movie theatre. With such issues, any forbearance seriously damages the authority of the Council.

Speaking about shows, this is what the Ukrainian delegation organized in the General Assembly during the High Level Week. I mean the fact that people were taken to the GA Hall purposefully – in order to applaud upon hearing the pre-recorded address by the Ukrainian president.

☝️ Colleagues, please do not think no one noticed that.
Today is International Day for Universal Access to Information. Sadly, it is marred by the West's blanket reprisals against Russian journalists and outlets, severe restrictions on accessing Russian media.

Learn more, on how the principle of universal access to information is violated. In detail 👉
🔴 #LIVE: A ceremony of cancelling the stamp dedicated to the 220th Anniversary of the establishment of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation

Forwarded from Russian Mission Geneva
Media is too big
“The World Champion” movie screening at the UN Office in Geneva.

The cultural event took place on September 27, 2022, at UNOG and was attended by foreign guests and Russian compatriots in Switzerland.

The movie is dedicated to equally legendary and dramatic 1978 world chess championship match in the Philippines between the reigning champion Anatoly Karpov and the challenger for the title, grandmaster Viktor Korchnoi.

World-renowned chess guru Anatoly Karpov was supposed to open the event in person, but was unable to do so due to a decision made by the Swiss authorities.

🙏 Our special thanks for the help in organizing the movie screening go out to the UNOG Cultural Events Department, the Russian Cultural Seasons Foundation and its chairman Elmira Shcherbakova, and the United Nations Association of Russia.  
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#Opinion by Maria #Zakharova:

💬 On February 7, 2022, Joe Biden said that Nord Stream would be done for if Russia invades Ukraine: “If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the ... border of Ukraine again, then there will be ... no longer a Nord Stream 2. We, we will bring an end to it. <…> I promise you, we'll be able to do it.”

US President Joe Biden must answer whether the United States acted on its threat on September 25 and 26, 2022, when an incident occurred on three branches of Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, preliminarily qualified as pipeline ruptures, possibly as a result of explosions.

The statement of intent was backed with a pledge. One must take responsibility for one’s words. Failing to understand the meaning of what one is saying does not release one from liability. Europe must know the truth.
⚡️ Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria #Zakharova:

Russia intends to convene an official UN Security Council Meeting regarding the incidents with the #NordStream & #NordStream2 gas pipelines.
✍️ # OTD in 1936 Julius #Kvitsinsky was born - Soviet diplomat, author of books and memoirs.

The real story of his confidential negotiations with his US colleague Paul Nitze on disarmament (1982) formed the plot of the Broadway play "A Walk in the Wood".

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