Morgoth's Review
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So what if the vaccines aren't actually safe?

Why was the AstraZeneca vaccine removed from circulation?
Just before coming to office the Conservative Party pledged to get rid of Ofcom, now at the end of their tenure Ofcom is about to begin censoring the internet.

Similarly, they pledged to reduce immigration to the 10,000s and now it's by far the highest it has ever been.
Everyone who's appealed their Twitter bans and not heard anything back.
I've been helping my parents set up a new laptop today and that meant I was given a rare chance to see YouTube from a clean-slate, normie perspective without any account being logged in or any history of internet use attached.

My dad played a few songs, power ballads from the 70s and 80s and a country song or two. Of the ads that played I saw two white couples, one white male and one Asian.

Before I blocked ads on my own YouTube account I literally hadn't seen anything at all on ads except black people, for months.

Yet, my use of YouTube would have the imprint of ''right-wing'' or reactionary in terms of what I watch, that is to say, demographically I'm least likely to enjoy seeing only black people in ads. Yet my impression is that I was getting a higher quota of blacks in ads than a pure blank slate normie account.

I can't help but wonder if this is some sort of demoralization tactic or if the algo thinks I need more blacks in ads to correct my thinking.

I wonder if the opposite is true of Breadtube leftists, are they then seeing ads with nothing but wholesome white couples? that would at least confirm them in their world view that white privilege was ubiquitous and ''whiteness'' was hegemonic.
Forwarded from Telegrams From Barsoom
"[Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver] weren’t spreading antisemitism. They weren’t spreading ideas linked to antisemitism. They were delving into areas that risked connecting to theories that were linked to antisemitism. And for that rather tenuous reason, we are no longer permitted to discuss whether the billionaire class may well have a sinister agenda."
Forwarded from Tollahgram
Going live in ten minute there^^^^
Notice the way they're normalizing the idea of ''asylum seekers'' staying in hotels, as if that's just a thing that's standard and everybody is cool with it.

''Asylum seeker'' is itself a PC term to soften the reality of the government allowing 10,000s of young foreign men into the country and then using our taxes to house them in luxury. There's nothing ''normal'' about any of this, especially when you factor in working class natives have been bled white paying energy bills this winter.
Forwarded from Mark Collett
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Don't forget, the reason people were protesting last night in Kirkby was because of migrant men approaching school girls for sex - an issue that British politicians don't give a damn about.
In fact British politicians and the media regularly cover-up these sex crimes.
Oh ffs looks like it's our turn to endure this arsehole.

''Spy Balloon Chic''
Media is too big
Average day on right-wing Telegram....
Shitlibs on UK Twitter are absolutely desperate to blame PA and the ''Far Right'' for the unrest in Liverpool. I think a good response to this is to simply reply by telling them they're just running with that narrative so they can ignore the wishes of the public, which is the truth. As Saint Harrison does here.

The only radicals here are those who expect normal people to be happy about housing young foreign men in hotels while their daughters are propositioned in broad daylight on the streets.
Forwarded from Laura Towler
The left are so obsessed with hating the Tories that it consumes them to the level that it's almost their entire personality. According to them, the migrant hotel protests are happening because the Tories sometimes use scary words like "invasion" and this fires people up into hating migrants.

In saying this, they completely undermine the intelligence and concerns of the protestors who are normal, working class people who simply care about their families and children (people who the left are supposed to support, by the way...).

Nobody is driven to protest because Suella Braverman said "invasion". People are protesting because they oppose the Tories and their actions which are leading to unvetted migrants wandering our streets and the demographic replacement of our people.

Edit: To clarify, the left are right that the Tories are to blame for the protests, but it's not because of what they've said, it's because of what they've done. They can't admit this though, because to do so would be to admit that the public are against mass immigration.
It's a tough gig for a gay shitlib who hits the wall and gets replaced by younger and even gayer establishment automatons.

Squealer Jones has been reduced to livestreaming and reading out superchats.
Nobody is excited about the UFOs because everybody views it as a distraction from their own preferred narrative. It's a distraction from the vaccine deaths, a distraction from Nordstream and the Ukraine war, a distraction from Jewish power or the Great Replacement or Great Reset or Agenda 2030 or the trannie stuff. And that's only on the right.

There can be no collective gasp at a supposed world changing event because there is no collective, simply a multitude of silos inhabited with people living different realities. There are networks instead of a centre, a solar system without a sun.

''Sources close to the investigation told The Times that three boys, aged 13, 15 and 16, who cannot be named for legal reasons, are alleged to have pinned the girl down and acted as “lookouts” to stop her getting away while the fourth boy raped her.''

As I said the other day, the politicians, NGOs and media influencers who facilitate this are the extremists, not those who're rightfully angry about it.
People such as Owen Jones in the liberal media, commenting on the situation in Liverpool and Ireland, have been saying the ''Far Right'' use the trope of protecting the women and girls as justification for opposing immigration. The assumption being that the people protesting are not actually concerned about the females of their group being molested or raped by foreign men.

The implication is that such people just want to hate and be racist for the sake of it.

This view relies on a complete misunderstanding of history and human nature. Weirdly, feminists on the left have waffled for years about the ''Patriarchy'' laying claim to female bodies and coveting them for the sake of breeding. But such leftist arguments get thrown out when it comes to immigration. Suddenly the patriarchy is not really interested in protecting the females of their group from outsiders.

The feminists are at least closer to reality than people like Jones. Jones supposes a world in which nobody has any bonds or genetic or tribal interests whatsoever. Foreign men do not pose any threat to native women because there is no ''us and them'' to begin with. Therefore it is illegitimate for white men to become angry when their women are predated on by foreign men.

Everything about this view of the world is wrong, it is entirely fantastical and at odds with reality. Childish rubbish, and while we suffer under its delusion our people are raped and slaughtered.
Imagine flying across the galaxy at the speed of light only to have your ship blown up by a Mexican tranny diversity hire.
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