Morgoth's Review
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Absolute state of British democracy. Bear in mind the majority of normal Brits are well to the right of the Tory's on social issues.
It's hard to not become repulsed by Globohomo's attitude toward Germany. For them, Germany exists only as donkey to be whipped and kicked into doing their bidding. This writer says:

''Keep this in mind when remembering that Germany maintained its lonely support for the highly controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline project until days before the beginning of Russia’s invasion, casting aside repeated criticisms from eastern Europe, the US and many western European countries even as Moscow was already massing its troops on Ukraine’s borders in preparation for war.''

In other words Germany had geopolitical interests at odds with the rest of NATO, but instead of that being considered the pipeline was mysteriously blown-up, so that's that. Yet Germany is still the villain of the piece for merely wanting to maintain a modern industrial economy and cheap energy supplies.

The Germans then got badgered into sending tanks to the swindler in Kiev, even that isn't enough! the attitude is ''Oh well, you took your time about it''.

The fact is, Germany should just leave NATO and tell the Americans to get their military the hell out their country.
Two of the balls the regime has to keep in the air at the same time have bounced into each other. A few decades ago most of the people in the UK thought as the Ukrainian women do now but it was bullied and brainwashed out of them. The journalists and NGOs then reframe the persecution as the nation having had some sort of internal discussion and diversity won out, we all accepted the change and celebrated it, we're all happy.

It's all lies, the entire narrative of modern Britain is a mountain of lies, no discussion was ever had, no agreement made. It was just forced on us.

''The reporter told Oksana “many people would be very offended” that she felt unsafe in the area, to which she replied she had looked up police crime data that reported cases of Islamic terrorism.

The report revealed Oksana, too, has now moved away from Birmingham to a new area.

There have been numerous reports of Ukrainian refugees finding it difficult to acclimatize to more diverse communities across Europe, including in Sweden where some women told local media shortly after arriving that they wished to return home over fears for their safety.

Shortly after war broke out in Ukraine last February, some humanitarian workers revealed they were having difficulty in filling buses in the Polish capital of Warsaw destined for Stockholm over safety concerns.
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The face you make when you've already have 5 doses of a vaccine your government just banned for people in your age group.
Morgoth's Review pinned «*****My New Video*****»
They talk about how these idealized visions of the past never existed, while believing in a present ideal as represented by corporate PR and adverts on YouTube.

The vision of 1950s England, which was made in the 50s, is closer to that reality than white street thugs in London sexually harassing black women or the weird luck-dip multicultural families we see on Christmas TV.
The British media rolled out some stupid story this morning about Vladimir Putin threatening to blow Boris Johnson up with a missile. The problem they had was that the public seemed to think it was funny and became more sympathetic to Putin, not less. And so the story is being shelved.

Boris Johnson said in the short clip that Putin was cold and detached, that he wasn't really listening and said could he kill Johnson within a minute using a missile.

In other words, Putin was behaving like a man completely exasperated by having to deal with lying bullshitters like Boris Johnson.

We're all sick of it, and that's why everyone finds the prospect of Putin launching missiles at them cathartic and amusing.
The sentiment expressed by (((Blumenthal))) in this video is dishonest and retarded. Ukrainian women are refusing to live in parts of Birmingham because they don't want their kids to be minorities and don't feel safe around Muslims. In the clip in question the Ukrainian woman even says she got her information off the website of the Birmingham police.

But the American ''Post-Left'' want to own the libs by arguing that people such as AOC are backing Nazis in Ukraine. They claim the woman in the video doesn't want to live around non-whites and Muslims in Birmingham because she must have had some sort of Nazi indoctrination in Ukraine.

''Oh, look at these racists and Nazis the libs have such sympathy for!''

The fact is the native Brits never wanted to live in what Birmingham became either, white-flight exists for a reason. People prefer those like themselves and there's no need to pollute the truth with this hot-take contorted mumbo-jumbo in order to score some political points.
This week's new dystopian innovation just dropped. Technically braindead women could become surrogate mothers, essentially replicating the horrific Daemonculaba scenario from Warhammer 40K.

To get around the initial repulsion at the idea the paper explains that they can slip such policies through using organ donation regulations. It's just in this case the entire body would be the organ. In theory a woman could have a car crash and be declared braindead, she could then be kept alive long enough to give birth to the offspring of a gay couple then switched off from the machines and allowed to die. And she wouldn't have consented to any of it.

These are the sorts of ethical problems the new atheists like Black Science guy should be addressing rather than prattling about Sky-Fairies.
I maintain that you are a useless, autistic spastic who advocated that our people should inject Big Pharma's poison into their veins.

You're a socialist who shills for the richest people on earth and defends their robbery of our people while they kill them you stupid cunt.

Not that it matters to you, given that you're running away to eastern Europe anyway.
I have a feeling that the chaos unleashed by AI Deep-Fakes will demand a response from the regime we won’t like.

Their own “Trusted sources” like the BBC and CNN will be presented as islands of truth in a vast ocean of trash.

This already happens to a degree, but in the future even we won’t know what’s real and isn’t, the ocean of trash will be a reality.
Forwarded from Thuletide
This Affirmative Action moment reminded me of Morgoth's most recent video:

"We have a vast network of mutually reinforcing bodies, regulations, NGOs and politicians. There is no longer an independent factor or moderating voice. It is totalizing and all-encompassing — one giant self-contained mechanism with nothing outside of itself it can refer to, and we are trapped within it. [...] Are we waiting for our own Chernobyl? Has it already happened?"

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