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Want to wake up anyone, without being political?...
Show them Revelation chapter 21⬆️, then point to ‘Venus’ in the western sky⬇️
Remind them we live in End Times.
Then tell them:
Christ is coming to take us home, make sure you are ready.
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
Before the sun completely sets, look up in the west sky, about 45 degrees up.
‘Venus’ is already out.
Now ask yourself, don’t planets only REFLECT light?
Why are the stars not out yet?

When the stars finally do arrive, why is ‘Venus’ so much brighter?
Anyone with questions about things to come? Ask God, the consciousness of the universe.
My prayers are not so formal anymore.
I talk with God anytime, anywhere, as I would a best friend.
Silently, thankful for everything, I also ask questions, chat about my concerns.
Remember to ask forgiveness of sin. Lately I also ask Him to cover myself with the blood of Christ, also my family, my contacts, humanity. We are in it together.

Answers we each get may happen differently. Sometimes, the answer is a realization of things; seemingly my own thoughts, but this is really an answer from above.
Sometimes it comes w synchronicities.
11:11 or 1:11.
Sometimes the answers come as info, article, video, graphic I come across, as a confirmation; an answer to my question.
Do not wait to start chatting w God.
Start your silent convos w Him now.
God bless.
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
Patriots, please continue to
‘Enjoy the show’
‘Trust the plan’

We are the awakened 1% saving the world right now. Know that you are supremely loved, protected.
Get ready to calm your contacts when they arrive in New Jerusalem.
If you are awake to Nibiru, this is your mission, your purpose.
Nibiru aka Planet X aka Planet 9 aka Planet 12 and others.
Why all the names?
To confuse the subject, such as UFO vs UAP.
Why will we need #NewJerusalem and other ships?
Satanic evil that has enslaved humanity on Earth, has survived past Nibiru induced pole shifts.
The explainer video, Q: the plan to save the world, says evil will be eradicated from Earth. How?
Search Nibiru, then tap the images tab...
This time Nibiru is on a collision course.
People will be terrified.
You are the frame.
Anyone with ringing ears?
Think positively.
It is nice to be able to actually hear progress of the plan? Energy coming to Earth, necessary for DNA upgrade.
Soon when others begin to hear the ringing also, we can calm them.
All part of the plan.
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
New Jerusalem. Biblical.
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
Want to wake up anyone, without being political?...
Show them Revelation chapter 21⬆️, then point to ‘Venus’ in the western sky⬇️
Remind them we live in End Times.
Then tell them, Christ is coming to take us home, make sure they are ready.
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
Before the sun completely sets, look up in the west sky, about 45 degrees up.
‘Venus’ is already out.
Now ask yourself, don’t planets only REFLECT light?
Why are the stars not out yet?

When the stars finally do arrive, why is ‘Venus’ so much brighter?
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
If you are concerned about pole shift or Nibiru, maybe start watching for ‘Venus’ in the western sky and smile 😁😎
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
Gaia is in the Great Awakening map twice.
Funny. ‘Space hotel’
warming us up to the idea of #NewJerusalem?
Just love, show kindness, and above all pray for those around us.
You never know what they have happening inside⬆️
Just a reminder tomorrow is 12/21.

And The Great Awakening map seems to say our sun is a big busy portal
Don’t forget The Matrix movie. Doesn’t it come out 12/22?
Anyone else going to watch?
⬆️ The Great Awakening map
Thanks to the map, this is what I’m using to decalcify third eye, pineal gland.
It. Works.
Best sleep I’ve had in a long time.
Forwarded from NCSWICnibiru
Deleted Newsmax and Epoch Times apps. TG only bc it has news channels as well.

Been considering. What is the false prophet the WORLD will worship?

—>Worship=believe without question?
During rallies, without being specific, Trump would point at all news cameras and call them all fake news.
Q said there was a specific reason Trump calls the MSM fake news. Why?
Fake news=false prophet?
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