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Forwarded from WhipLash347
Some background about the author of this channel.
I was raised Southern Baptist, we were in church anytime the doors were open. Both sets of grandparents were southern baptist, together until death did they part. There were no stepparents, no step children; they set the example of a unified family under God. My own parents, same.

Because I started to question everything, I searched difference between Southern Baptists over other evangelical religions. Southern Baptists take the Bible literally. Jesus baptized believers by immersion, Southern Baptists do also. Etc.
Was baptized when I was eight, when I went to college I ended up going away from my religion. Doing secular things of the world the other college kids were doing. Going out with friends, drinking, etc. post for continuation.⬇️
Fast forward.
September 2020. I started to realize it is not *Q’s* plan to save the world, it is GOD’S plan to save the world.
Trust the plan.
But, was not ready to give my life back yet.
November 2020. I was the one driving to see my parents for Thanksgiving, family asleep in the car, it was pre dawn. I was singing to music on the radio to help keep awake on a long drive. All of the sudden out of nowhere, it is as if something fell from the sky, onto my windshield. This thing fell with a LOUD CRASH sound, breaking glass then we were all wide awake.
Apparently the deer ran across the interstate, jumped, landed on my windshield, rolled down the side of the car, before running back into the woods. The only evidence of the deer was it’s brown fur that was left stuck in places down the side of my car. Because I was singing to music, tiny pieces of glass ended up in my mouth, but thankfully no one was hurt. We all walked away.
Thought to myself, maybe that was a sign? Still wasn’t ready to give my life back.
Two days later. Got an email that my national account was possibly threatened. Then out of nowhere the thought came to me, God giveth and God taketh away.
The thought came in those Biblical, King James sounding words, giveth, taketh; def a thought from above.

All these things put together, with that thought that was given to me, was when I decided: this is real, and time to give my life back to Christ.
Next post please ⬇️
We live in End Times.
Literally good vs evil.
Be careful who you follow is real.

Start talking silently w God, even on the go, don’t worry about being so formal.
Ask questions, chat about concerns, but always be thankful. Be thankful for trials, bc they should bring us closer to God. A closer walk with Him.

The other night my husband told me his 40 year old cousin had spots on her liver and would need testing.

That night the thought came to me:
Our friends and family, their lives will continue to spiral out of control, their situation will take a dive for the worse, until they decide to give their life back to Christ.

I talked w the cousin about God; suggested she pray to ask God to heal her. Then have faith and believe.
Her tests came back normal, benign.

Away from God? Just decide to come back. It is prodigal son type joy in Heaven, when we come back into the fold.
Love one another, as He first loved us.
I love you all.
God bless.
Forwarded from Cosmic Light Force
Next up Great Depression 👀
Months ago a TG account suggested to watch the 30Hz line.
The 30Hz line now clearly connects all the way across.

Look at the higher Hz lines that are starting to form!
Thankful we were given this tool to watch.
Nice to be able to notice good, increasingly faster progress.
It is working frens.
It is Habbening. 😁😎
⬆️Link to 2020 Christmas Eve service. The pastor told a Book of Enoch sounding version of the Christmas Story.
In a recent post, I talked about how the SchumannBot account on Twitter retweeted a post from this account, NiceAnon17.
Went back to NiceAnon17 to check back in and saw this post shared. ...

Motherships just allowing themselves to be in video?

It says 2012, but this thought made me happy.
I’m tired of the simulation.
However, do not confuse me; I am thankful for my life and lessons learned here on Earth.

Trump says The best is yet to come.
I’m ready.
Anyone else?
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