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Several reports have recently been published in Europe saying the continent is quickly warming up. But while the European Environment Agency has called for more action to prevent #ClimateChange, other reports suggest the situation might not be as dramatic, and climate forecasts are far from certain. https://www.ntd.com/low-impact-of-climate-change-on-gdp-expert_931297.html
How much will achieving #NetZero by 2050 pinch pockets? The net zero goals are touted as a way to avert the impacts of #ClimateChange by decarbonising our economy. But meeting these goals is expected to cost the world hundreds of trillions of dollars. To look at the impact on the average household, NTD spoke to the director of Net Zero Watch. https://www.ntd.com/policies-to-cost-households-100000-net-zero-watch_938378.html
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