Nathan Damigo
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I will be appealing the fraudulant judgement against me for the Unite the Right lawsuit. Filing an appeal will cost $500 in court fees. If you are interested in donating to this cause, it would be greatly appreciated. I have decided to fight this battle as far and as long as I can. I refuse to give the people who concocted a bizaar conspiracy theory about me and used the court system as a vector for attacking me an easy victory.

Please ensure that you make a note that your donation is for my appeal. I will announce when I have met the goal to pay the appeal filing fee. Kolenich Law Office 9435 Waterstone Blvd. #140 Cincinnati OH 45249.
Big shout out to the guys who hung this back in the day. You know who you are.
Saw something this morning that was a huge White pill! I can’t find it now, unfortunately, but someone used AI technology to make Emma Watson read Mein Kampf. The voice was uncanny and better than any previous technology like Speechify, which is hard to listen to due to the “uncanny valley” sound of the generated voice. This will have massive implications for dissident works! Image George Lincoln Rockwell reading This Time The World, Adlof Hitler reading Mein Kampf, or William Luther Pierce reading The Turner Diaries as their own audio books! Imagine how easy it will be to take all of our movement’s literature and turn them into audio books! Imagine pro-White publishers with blogs or magazines being able to make an audio version of all their articles so they can be listened to in the car! There will be a lot of new opportunities for us with AI that I think will greatly benefit our moement. We cannot stop the technology, and instead must embrace the best aspects of it to our own purposes.
Here it is! This is what I was talking about.
Forwarded from Joel Davis
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After decades of research and trillions in funding this is literally AI's greatest achievement so far.
Audio books that should be made using AI of the people who wrote them.

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Thomas Dalton Ed.)
George Lincoln Rockwell - (All Books)
William Luther Pierce - (All Books)
David Irving - (All Books)
Savitri Devi - (All Books)
Guillaume Faye - (All Books)
Tomislav Sunic - (All Books)
Kevin MacDonald - (All Books)
Revilo P. Oliver - (All Books)

NOTE: Please reach out to the authors and publishers that have the rights to these works before doing so.
Faye might be difficult because his English wasn’t great. But all of these works shouldn’t just be turned into English audio books. They should be turned into audio books of every language they have been translated into!
For works where there is no voice to use for AI, using a generic voice or a hero of our people for generating the audio will also make a lot of works more available to the public.
I’ve spoken with a number of people over the past six months who are soft on Jews. Some of them say they have met Jews sympathetic to our cause and claimed that they are “OK”. Alright, if that’s the case, how many Jews that are “sympathetic” to us are going undercover in anti-White Jewish organizations like the ADL to expose and disrupt them? What are they doing to stop anti-White Jewish organizations? FUCKING ZERO! Words are cheap, and Jews know that. That’s why they tell you what you want to hear, because Europeans are naive enough to fall for it over and over again. Next time a Jew tells you they are sympathetic, ask them when they are actually going to do something like infiltrate the ADL to leak damaging information to the public, and if they say they’re not interested then tell them to fuck off.
The prosecution of this man was clearly the result of political targeting. Why else would George Pickard’s (aledged) affiliations with political groups be mentioned in a press release by the DOJ when being convicted of manufacturing silencers? They went after Pickard because of his (aledged) associations and they used their press release to taint the organizations they mentioned, none of whom were implicated in his (aledged) actions, and several of which haven’t existed in years. When freedom of speech and association exists, tyrannical governments find asymmetrical lines of attack on dissidents.
Forwarded from Full 🌞 Haus
Alex Ramos stood for us in Charlottesville, did some of the hardest time of anyone that day, and is fresh out, back to work, and starting over. Please consider sending him a power boost. Or listen to our latest show before you decide to help him out!
Just a reminder that Republicans care more about Jews and Israel then they do the ongoing invasion of America and the anti-White policies of virtually every institution in America. A vote for the GOP is a vote for Jews and White genocide. The only answer is to build up our own institutions.
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NOW - House Republicans have passed a resolution to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee over past comments about Israel.

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The PoC driver then did a u-turn, got out, yelled about “white privilege,” and attacked the prostrate white doctor with a knife and a BB gun. Brave onlookers apprehended the maniac, but the poor doctor died in his own emergency room. - @Steve_Sailer
“Democracy” is a sham, and always has been.
Forwarded from European Insider
🇬🇷 The Greek parliament will decide on Tuesday whether to vote to ban the identitarian National Party of Ilias Kasidiaris, one of the former politicians of Golden Dawn.

The proposed amendment to block Kasidiaris' party comes months before Greece's general election, which will be held some time before July. Kasidiaris' party has surged in recent days to 3-4%, enough to enter parliament.

PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis has justified the move by claiming the need to "ban neo-Nazism" from Greece, while others deride it as a blatant attempt to silence political opposition in a country known for corruption.

🌍 @European_Insider | 🕊 Retweet
I spoke with someone this weekend that told me the Young Turks interview I did back in 2016 was what lead him on the path towards National Socialism. It was an inspiring thing to hear. There are so many people who are hearing what we say right now and are already on a path to joining us, even though it may take them a few more years to put things together. We are winning, the current Judeo-Capitalist order is not only nonsensical, it is harmful to everyone in every way imaginable. Reality is on our side, so keep speaking the truth and don’t be disappointed if people aren’t immediately responsive.
Media is too big
Critical race theory inspires anti-White violence
How to Save Live Photo as Video