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Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding
by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion

A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting criminal investigation modelled after Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against "leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices" who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.

This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury.

Through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop - the proceeding is meant to create awareness about the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty.

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TOMORROW at 8:15 pm - Wolfgang Wodarg NARRATIVE #80.

Our society, which is based on the division of labor, depends on the fact that we entrust ourselves to one another.
We have to organize ourselves in such a way that our trust remains justified.

A prerequisite for this is TRANSPARENCY on the part of those responsible and those affected.
However, as organizations grow LARGER, their lack of transparency increases.
Thus, more EFFORT is required to maintain justified trust.

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Media is too big
Everyday Birth and dying don't belong in hospitals! Friederike Pfeiffer-de Bruin | COMMENTARY #38

Friederike Pfeiffer-de Bruin, doula and end-of-life companion as well as German author and free journalists, strongly advocates for taking birth and the process of dying into our own hands again and regain power in these essential life events.

The whole story soon in RUBIKON

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TODAY at 08:15 PM
Robert Cibis & Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg talk about the current events in society and discuss possible solutions in today's world.

Stay tuned!

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Forwarded from corona-ausschuss.de
2. Sitzung des Grand Jury Proceedings
Court of Public Opinion

Heute starten die Experten- und Betroffenenbefragungen!

🕕 Start: 12.02., 18:00 Uhr

Eine Gruppe intern. Anwälte und ein Richter führen eine strafrechtliche Untersuchung nach dem Vorbild des Grand Jury-Verfahrens durch, um der Öffentlichkeit alle verfügbaren Beweise für die bisherigen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit im Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 der "Anführer, Organisatoren, Anstifter und Komplizen" vorzulegen, die bei der Formulierung und Ausführung eines gemeinsamen Plans für eine Pandemie behilflich waren. Diese Untersuchung ist von den Menschen, vermöge der Menschen und für die Menschen, also können SIE Teil der Jury sein.

Durch das Aufzeigen eines vollständigen Bildes der Faktenlage, einschließlich des geopolitischen und historischen Hintergrunds, soll das Verfahren ein Bewusstsein schaffen für den Zusammenbruch des gegenwärtigen, gekaperten Systems und seiner Institutionen.

Livestream-Links & mehr:
Media is too big
Game-changer! Why does a decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court bear such great hope? Josef Hingerl | COMMENTARY #39

German lawyer Dr. Josef Hingerl explains a decision by the German Federal Constitutional Court from 19.11.2021 and reveals the often overlooked revolutionary aspects of it, and therefore, what clear mission and hope he draws from it for the future.

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Reference: "COMMENTARY"

Session 92: "Of the Big and the Small"

Feb. 18 from approx. 11:00 a.m. CET (Berlin Time)!

Here you can go directly to the stream at:

➥ Gettr 🇺🇸

➥ Dlive 🇺🇸

➥ Odysee 🇺🇸

➥ Here you can find the link to the German stream 🇩🇪

Topic excerpt:
▫️Australia: How a free state abolishes itself
▫️Croatia: In lockstep on the EU's political leash
▫️Russia/Ukraine: Historical and geopolitical context of the situation
▫️Canada: First-hand report on the Freedom Convoy.
▫️Germany: Youth Welfare Offices in systematic breach of duty
▫️The end of food security? The grip of big business on our livelihoods

Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, go to the channel here:
Media is too big
Is it really about caring for the elderly? Georg Mehringer | COMMENTARY #40

Georg Mehringer, General Practitioner and Doctor for Psychotherapy, shares one of his experiences and questions if what is happening really has the protection of the elderly in mind.
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Reference: "COMMENTARY"

Media is too big
Why don't we systematically record and compare? Georg Mehringer | COMMENTARY #41

Georg Mehringer, General Practitioner and Doctor for Psychotherapy, asks whatever happened to proper comparative recordings of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in this still experimental stage of the vaccine.

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Media is too big
KOLLATERAL #1 - The Journalist

Boris Reitschuster is being betrayed by his colleagues and friends because he asks the wrong questions.

KOLLATERAL creates a record of the latest (German) economic and social history. A chronicle in form of portrayals, by and for interested, independent and engaged citizens.

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Media is too big
Why is the protection of data and private communication so essential? Norbert Schwarzer | COMMENTARY #42

The German physicist Norbert Schwarzer warns about the incremental process of giving away our privacy and individuality in the form of data.

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IBAN: DE34 7016 9466 0000 9544 89
Reference: "COMMENTARY"

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TODAY at 7:30 PM I KOLLATERAL #2 - The Headmistress I
If you haven't seen the first episode you can watch it here: 
KOLLATERAL #1 I The Journalist

Please share if you like it

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Media is too big
KOLLATERAL #2 | The Headmistress

The headmistress asks critical questions about the COVID measures and is subsequently "released". She then organizes herself with other people affected.

KOLLATERAL creates a record of the latest (German) economic and social history. A chronicle in form of portrayals, by and for interested, independent and engaged citizens.

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OVALmedia Berlin GmbH
IBAN: DE34 7016 9466 0000 9544 89
Reference: "KOLLATERAL"

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Media is too big
Economic crisis and state of emergency - a marriage of convenience? Paul Schreyer | COMMENTARY #43

Paul Schreyer, German author of "Chronicle of a crisis foretold", explores how an economic crisis and collapsing financial bubbles can be managed with a state of emergency.

Paul Schreyer Book

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Media is too big
KOLLATERAL #3 | The Member of Parliament

A deputy wishes to have a factual discussion on the coronavirus issue and criticizes the government line. He is subsequently suspected of corruption.
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Reference: "KOLLATERAL"

Media is too big
Critics of Corona measures and in­tel­li­gence ser­vices - a misunderstanding! Martin Schwab | COMMENTARY #44

Martin Schwab, German law professor, investigates the allegations against critics of the Corona measures and clarifies three related misunderstandings.

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Reference: "COMMENTARY"

Finally! Subtitled in English and German the first Narrative interview with Prof. Tritto, the video that has almost a million views in our Italian channel.

Now you can share it with friends and family everywhere.




Media is too big
Quantum cryptography and monopolies - a dangerous combination Norbert Schwarzer | COMMENTARY #45

The German physicist Norbert Schwarzer explores the chances and dangers of quantum cryptography, and warns about monopolies especially in this field.
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OVALmedia Berlin GmbH
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The Case of Willem Engel: When democratic protest is declared terrorism

Willem Engel has been active in political protest againsts the disproportionate measures of the Dutch government since the beginning of the Corona crisis. Through the organization ""Viruswaarheid,"" which he co-founded, the biopharmacist and bioscientist educates people about the virus and its harm(lessness), organizes demonstrations and takes legal action against those responsible. For example, he sued Belgian virologist Marc van Ranst, who spoke flippantly before an audience in Great Britain about the time of swine flu in 2009, during which time he fooled the Belgian population into, among other things, getting vaccinated. This was done using the mainstream media via targeted fear-mongering.

Reactions of the leading Dutch media to the resistance activities of Engel and his organization have always been unanimous: defamation, downplaying the number of critics, and even drawing comparisons to terrorism. This is now also one of the official reasons given for Engel's arrest and, in particular, for his pre-trial detention: ""Statements with a terrorist aim,"" he would incite acts of violence via Twitter and at protests, and there was a risk of repetition.

Shortly before Engel's arrest, there had been a petition circulated by media demanding that Engel be arrested and imprisoned. It was signed by 22,000 people. These are exactly the methods that Raphael Bonelli describes in relation to framing in our CORONA.FILM - Prologue: all participants of a measure-critical demonstration are, without exception, lumped together with extremists and then treated as such by the state. Even Willem Engel himself aptly described this approach in COMMENTARY #12 - and now he (a truth-seeking and peaceful activist) has fallen victim to such mechamisms unworthy of a democracy, unjustly imprisoned awaiting trial.

We encourage you to look into this case and discuss it with your friends and acquaintances. For more information about Marc van Ranst's approach to controlling people's behavior through the media, watch the movie MONOPOLY. If you want to get to know Willem better, click here on the link to CORONA.FILM - Prologue.
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