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The mRNA-Story

NARRATIVE by Robert Cibis
17. August, 08:15 PM

Sucharit Bhakdi is the most quoted infectious disease epidemiologist in Germany. The old media do not want to hear his voice. Yet his books are the most read and his videos the most watched in the crisis of measures. In this Narrative episode, he conveys Robert Cibis new analyses on mRNA shots and demands that medical professionals simply do their job to protect people.

❗️The links to the Live-Streams will appear at 07:30 PM
Nuremberg Codex 75th anniversary Live stream

We will report LIVE from the Nuremberg Codex - Commemoration: Never again forced medicine!

75 years of the Nuremberg Codex - on 20th of August 2022 (Saturday) - Nuremberg, Kornmarkt -
1 pm to approx. 7 pm

In the context of a special congress for doctors and lawyers, the "Foundation Doctors for Enlightenment" as well as "Doctors Stand Up" founded the "Action Group 75 Years of the Nuremberg Codex" on 22nd of January 22.

With this initiative, they demand an end to the mass violation of doctors' duty to give advice and the restoration of the human right to bodily self-determination and integrity.

The congresses, which take place about every five years under the motto "Medicine and Conscience", always meet with great interest, not only among doctors and medical students, but also among nurses and members of other health professions.

Streaming-Links will be available, one hour before the event begins.
Media is too big
"What must we do?" Mattias Desmet | COMMENTARY #64

Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology, talks about the absolute importance of speaking out in totalitarian states and why that is so essential.
Mafia of the Powerful

NARRATIVE by Robert Cibis
17. August, 08:15pm

Filmmaker Robert Cibis interviews the former US Vice-minister and investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts about the mechanisms of the interplay between politics and finances. She reveals how massive systemic corruption leads to the replacement of democracy with orders and control, subtly at first and obviously in the Corona crisis. The two discuss the simple stance that can be taken to minimise further damage.

We start tonight at 8:15pm by revisiting the NARRATIVE episode with Catherine Austin Fitts, followed over the next few weeks by a four-part conversation series with her and political satirist C.J. Hopkins. It's called WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT MR GLOBAL and its premiere will be the next Sunday at 6pm!

Streaming-Link: https://odysee.com/@OVALmediaEN/cathrin_austin_fitts
The Lost Art of Running

NARRATIVE by Robert Winkler
25. August, 08:15pm

The Englishman Shane Benzie works worldwide as a movement analyst and movement coach. The interview takes us from his work with world-class Kenyan athletes to aspects of transhumanism, which is already finding its first applications in running. What makes us human? What possibilities are there for us to preserve our humanity in a world increasingly dominated by technology and rules?

Watch the full episode here:




What is the New Normal? How did we get here?
Who or what is behind it? We need to talk about MR GLOBAL.

In a 4-part conversation series, financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts and political satirist C.J. Hopkins discuss the increasingly totalitarian forms of our brave, new, pathologized and globalised world.

➢ Sunday, 28.08.2022 ● 08:15pm
Media is too big

➢ Sunday, 28.08.2022 ● 08:15pm
Media is too big
"What is the artist's role in this world?" C.J. Hopkins | COMMENTARY #65

C.J. Hopkins, American playwright, novelist, and political satirist, talks about how he views his role and responsibility as an artist in the world. His critical opinion has just been banned from Amazon.de merely a day after the premiere of "We need to talk about Mr. Global", a new series at OVALmedia featuring C. J. Hopkins in conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts.

Watch "We need to talk about Mr. Global" here:


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Media is too big
"How is dissent being re-defined?" C.J. Hopkins | COMMENTARY #66

C.J. Hopkins, American playwright, novelist, and political satirist, talks about how opposing voices and thus political conflict are artificially trying to be erased. His critical opinion has just been banned from Amazon.de merely a day after the premiere of "We need to talk about Mr. Global", a new series at OVALmedia featuring C.J. Hopkins in conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts.

Watch "We need to talk about Mr. Global - Part 1" here:


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The Third Eye

NARRATIVE by Robert Cibis
07. September, 08:15pm

Dr Amitav Banerjee, MD is currently Professor and Head of Community Medicine, Dr DY Patil Medical College, Pune. He has specialized in Public Health and is a post-doctoral in Epidemiology with over 20 years’ experience as a field epidemiologist in the Indian Armed Forces.
Robert Cibis discusses the impact of anti-COVID19 injections on infection rates. For countries such as Sri Lanka or Indonesia, the impact is hugely negative, as the professor points out in his latest study. This impression is enhanced by the fact that there were hardly any infected people before the time of the jabs. This is a bombshell for the prevailing narrative. What do we do with it?

The book 'The Third Eye' by Prof. Dr. Amitav Banerjee

Prof. Dr. Amitav Banerjee's latest study

World Council - with Tess Lawrie MD, Ph.D.

Tess Lawrie MD, Ph.D. is the Director of prestigious community interest research companies. The former W.H.O. consultant & research scientist is committed to improving the quality of healthcare through rigorous research. Her range of expertise, based on experience in both developing and developed countries, uniquely positions her to evaluate research for a variety of healthcare settings. She has often been responsible for developing international guidelines.

The "COVID crisis" changed everything for them. Because her studies on the alternative treatment of COVID patients were not considered by the British authorities. Robert Cibis discusses with her the slippage of discourse from scientific debate to a matter of faith, the need to build up something after so much has been destroyed.

The co-founder of the umbrella organization World Council for Health envisions a healthier world in which science and learned wisdom are brought together to empower people to take responsibility for their own health: "We can choose to live in fear and separation, or with joy, trust, love, and compassion together."
From 15th to 19th September 2022, the BETTER WAY CONFERENCE takes place in Vienna. ROBERT CIBIS is one of the guest speakers today, starting at 11:55am. Watch his talk live and without registration here:
For more information about the conference:
For the first time, the CORONA AUSSCHUSS takes place today in front of a live audience - a new experience for everyone involved!

We are broadcasting live right now, and tomorrow Friday 16th Sept from 10am onwards - on our website:
Apart from the "Better Way Conference" in Vienna, there is another important event this weekend - the UNIVERSITE d'ETE RESISTANTE which is taking place form 16th to 18th September in Villeneuve-Lès-Avignon in France.

For all French speaking members of our community, we will be broadcasting LIVE all workshops and conferences:

OVALmedia: https://www.oval.media/oval-live/?l=fr
VK: rtmp://ovsu.mycdn.me/input/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@OVALfrench:e/uer:3
We have incredible guests in some minutes... at about 20:30... LIVE... you can ask questions!

"Connected Dots" with
Taylor Hudak - TH news, Telegram
Richard Werner - Professor in Economics

Robert Cibis explores with the help of the bright minds of Taylor Hudak and Richard Werner what we know about the the powerful's means to control the rest of the world. Where will that lead us to?

odyssee EN

OVALmedia live EN
Media is too big

OVALmedia’s latest big project - WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT MR GLOBAL - has attracted a lot of attention. The first of this 4-part conversation series between financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts and political satirist C.J. Hopkins was posted in late August, and many are awaiting the release of the next 3 episodes.

In this video today, director Robert Cibis talks about the status quo of the project, and what it takes to finish it. It also shows previously unreleased excerpts of the next episodes - enjoy and help us to quickly release the complete series!

If you haven’t seen Part One yet, here you can watch MR GLOBAL “HOW DID WE GET HERE?”:



► Bank transfer:
Robert Cibis
IBAN: DE93 7603 0080 0200 8728 18
Reference: "MR GLOBAL"
Today LIVE on OVALmedia, 6pm - 11pm:

Online-Symposium of Doctors & Scientists

In this „Long Night of the Masks“ - which looks like to become a powerful „marathon” event - is provided by many interesting speakers who will present all relevant and important information in regard to masks and mask mandates which will enable and empower you to look after your health and the health of your children! Please join us, the participation is free of charge, of course.

Further information (in German):

The LIVE STREAM will be in German & English:

OVALmedia: https://www.oval.media/oval-live/?l=de
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@ovalmedia:d/nachtmasken:7

OVALmedia: https://www.oval.media/oval-live/?l=en
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@OVALmediaEN:0/nightofmasks:6
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Dr. Aseem Malhotra's New Peer-Reviewed Papers Lead Calls for Immediate and "Complete Suspension" of All Covid-19 Vaccines



Full press release:

(https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/news-releases/peer-reviewed-papers-suspension-covid-19-vaccines/) In new peer-reviewed papers published (https://insulinresistance.org/index.php/jir/article/view/71) Monday (September 26) in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, Dr. Aseem Malhotra—who once promoted Covid-19 vaccines on TV—presents compelling evidence to immediately suspend all Covid-19 vaccines.

World Council for Health will be hosting a press conference in London with Dr. Aseem Malhotra live in the WCH Newsroom
(https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/newsroom/) on Tuesday (September 27) at 10:30 am BST (5:30 am EDT) to discuss the groundbreaking peer-reviewed research.

Speaking about the findings, Dr. Aseem Malhotra said, “There has been a rise in out of hospital cardiac arrests and heart attacks linked to Pfizer’s Covid-19 mRNA vaccine with plausible biological mechanisms of harm” and “Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety.”

In the two-part paper, real-world data reveals that in the non-elderly population the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one death from Covid-19 runs into thousands and that re-analysis of randomised controlled trial data suggests a greater risk of suffering a serious adverse event from the vaccine than to be hospitalised with Covid-19.
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