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The Incompleteness Theorem
…and the resurrection

By Chris Waldburger

I have long been fascinated by one of the towering giants of mathematics and logic, Kurt Gödel.

His famous incompleteness theorem proved that any mathematical system always relies on truths outside that system. Mathematics can never stand alone.

He then used that same system to demonstrate the existence of God by means of his own mathematical version of ‘the ontological argument’...


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Students Against Mandates | Dr. Jessica Rose – On V.A.E.R.S

Dr. Jessica Rose has been a lead independent research analyst of the CDCs V.A.E.R.S. database. We break down what is VAERS, compare past va**ine injury reports to current, and why people should care. This is a must watch.

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The role of the US DoD (and their co-investors) in “covid countermeasures” enterprise

By Sasha Latypova

(...) AI Chat Bot gets a “F” – for a highly controlled narrative answer, which was fed to all MSM sources, while the “alternative” media did not examine it very much, with some exceptions. It wasn’t just logistics or even just lots of funding, and certainly nobody was “combatting disease”.
The truth is much more interesting than fiction:
All Covid countermeasures, including the biological warfare agents marketed as “Covid-19 vaccines”, were ordered by the US DoD as a “large scale manufacturing demonstration” via Other Transactions Authority contracts.


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Students Against Mandates | Josh Yoder (US Freedom Flyer) – On pilots suffering spike in heart issues

Josh Yoder is the co-founder of the volunteer organization, U.S. Freedom Flyers who is defending the right of Americans to travel freely. We discuss the recent case of a pilot suffering from cardiac arrest only 6 minutes after touchdown – Captain Bob Snow. We discuss the US Freedom Flyer’s lawsuit against the US federal government, the high number of calls he’s received from injured pilots post covid injection, and much much more.

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Laura Kenny and the vaccinated Olympic athletes

By Norman Fenton

(...) This means that Laura Kenny will certainly have received at least two doses of the covid vaccines shortly before August 2021. As her miscarriage was 9 weeks into pregnancy in November 2021 this confirms what I said in my tweet: both this miscarriage and the subsequent ectopic pregnancy would have been recorded by UKHSA in the “no doses in pregnancy” category along with the never vaccinated.


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Climate: The Movie

OVALmedia is very proud to show an incredibly good film. Important scientists factually debunk climate alarmism as a made-up scare with no scientific basis. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are experiencing an increase in extreme weather events - hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires and everything else. It strongly contradicts the claim that current temperatures and CO₂ levels in the atmosphere are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary: compared to the last half billion years of the Earth's history, both current temperatures and CO₂ levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing CO₂ levels (they have changed many times) have ever "driven" climate change in the past....


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Students Against Mandates | Dr. Chris Milburn — Fired for Questioning School Closures

Cape Breton physician, Dr. Chris Milburn, was removed as the Head of Emergency Medicine (Eastern Division) for publicly questioning some of his province’s Covid-19 decisions.


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Article on Hollywood and the climate agenda

(...) They’re also doing something called a Climate Reality Check for movies now, because there’s always space for more derangement and guilt-tripping. Per NPR, “It’s a new test, directed at writers, producers and other entertainment industry creatives, that aims to measure the presence of climate change on screen by evaluating all 31 feature films nominated for any Academy Award this year.”


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Retract – WHO Reform Plans

Overview of the planned pandemic treaty (WHO CA+) and the changes to the international health regulations (IHR) English Subtitles.

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Students Against Mandates | Dr. Robert Johnson – Dentist’s Plea Goes Viral

Dr. Robert Johnson posted a video that ended up going viral, following an announcement made by the B.C. government. The announcement called for the mandating of vaccines to all health-care workers in private practice. He is calling for full non-compliance from his peers.

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Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide

By David Bell

The Covid-skeptic world has been claiming the World Health Organization (WHO) plans to become some sort of global autocratic government, removing national sovereignty and replacing it with a totalitarian health state. The near-complete absence of interest by mainstream media would suggest, to the rational observer, that this is yet another ‘conspiracy theory’ from a disaffected fringe.

The imposition of authoritarian rules on a global scale would normally attract attention. The WHO is fairly transparent in its machinations. It should therefore be straightforward to determine whether this is all misplaced hysteria, or an attempt to implement an existential change in sovereign rights and international relations. We would just need to read the document. Firstly, it is useful to put the amendments in context.


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Students Against Mandates | Dr. Ryan Cole — Vaccines causing major spikes in cancer rates

Dr. Ryan Cole (MD) is a Mayo clinic trained Board certified Anatomic and Clinical Pathologist.

Dr. Cole has processed Covid vaccinated and infected patients tissue over the last two years in his tissue diagnostic laboratory “Cole Diagnostics”.

Dr. Cole points to a massive uptick in cancer he has seen only in post vaccine individuals as well as abnormal blood clotting that he has never seen in his 20+ years of clinical experience.


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Perspectives of the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? | Part I

Source: live.childrenshealthdefense.org

Perspectives of the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? | Part I

Review of pandemic management and the protection of health, freedom and national sovereignty

Review of pandemic management: evidence of mistakes not to be repeated – Part 1

With speeches by following guests:

• Prof. Jay Bhattacharya – COVID management: Great Barrington Declaration and censorship of scientific information 00:00-24:50

• Dr. Meryl Nass – The WHO + biological warfare agenda: What can we do? 25:00-46:00

• Dr. Norman Fenton – *The illustration of efficacy and safety for vaccines and other public health interventions 46:10-01:10:00

• Dr. Alberto Donzelli – COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Turns Negative: quantifying vaccine adverse effects and associated mortality 01:10:00-01:49:00

• QUESTIONS – 01:49:00-02:11:50


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Perspectives of the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? | Part II

Source: live.childrenshealthdefense.org

Review of pandemic management and the protection of health, freedom and national sovereignty

Review of pandemic management: evidence of mistakes not to be repeated – Part 2

With speeches by following guests:

• Dr. Katarina Lindley – WHO is your doctor? 03:00-11:30

• Sen. Ralph Babet – Inquiry into excess mortality in Australia in association with COVID-19 vaccine campaigns 11:40-25:40

• Lawyer Liz Gunn – Excess mortality in New Zealand in association with COVID-19 vaccine campaig 26:00-52:00

• Prof. Masanori Fukushima – Vaccination mRNA for COVID-19 and unprecedented disaster: acute death and increased cancer mortality rate 54:00-01:19:00

• QUESTIONS – 01:19:00-01:25:00


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Perspectives of the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? | Part III

Source: live.childrenshealthdefense.org

Review of pandemic management and the protection of health, freedom and national sovereignty

WHO Pandemic agreement and IHR: protecting health, freedom and national sovereignty – Part 1

With speeches by following guests:

Senator Claudio Borghi – About loss of national sovereignity, privacy, data and the WHO – 00:00-26:00
Questions to Senator Borghi about the „Green Pass“, and Italian politics during the „pandemic“ 26:00-37:00

• Prof. Eduardo Missoni – ‘The Capture of the Regulator’: why not approve changes to WHO instruments? 37:24-58:00
• Catherine Austin Fitts – Global financial scenario, CBDC and digital control grid 58:10-01:18:00
• Sen. Thomas Pressly – *Has Louisiana started the domino effect? * 01:19:10- 01:34:00
• Hon. Rob Roos – The relationship between the European Union and the WHO 01:34:00-01:45:30


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Students Against Mandates | Dr. Paul Frijters — Quantifying the societal consequences of lockdowns

Source: Students Against Mandates

Dr. Paul Frijters is a Professor of Wellbeing Economics in the Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics.

His research specializes in applied micro-econometrics, labor, happiness, and health economics.

This talk focuses on his research quantifying the harms of lockdowns, the lawsuit against Pfizer for clinical trial fraud, and the current state of the world.

He is Co-author of The Great Covid Panic.


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Perspectives of the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? | Part IV

Source: live.childrenshealthdefense.org

Review of pandemic management and the protection of health, freedom and national sovereignty

WHO Pandemic agreement and IHR: protecting health, freedom and national sovereignty – Part 2

With speeches by following guests:

Dr. Meryl Nass – The risks of the new Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the WHO International Heath Regulations 00:00-21:40

Prof. Reginald Oduor – Critic of the WHO’s planned pandemic measures for Africa 22:00-30:10

Sen. Ron Johnson – Message to freedom fighters to defend national and individual health sovereignty 30:25-32:20

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg – The WHO and the abuse of conferred power 32:30-01:30:00

QUESTIONS to the guests, and short speeches on freedom of expression, information, open scientific comparisons and censorship by Dr. Alberto Donzelli, and politicians Elisabetta Gardini (Fratelli D’Italia), Ugo Rossi (Insieme Liberi), and Marco Rizzo (Democrazia Sovrana e Popolare) 01:30:00-02:09:01

Aneel Prasad Hegde | NARRATIVE #167 by Robert Cibis

The Monsanto strategy

Aneel Hegde has been fighting for decades for the self-determination of Indian farmers. Now he has become the first Indian parliamentarian to raise his voice against the superiority of the World Health Organization (WHO). Because there is a parallel between, for example, genetically modified BT cotton and the anti-Covid jabs. Both products are part of a hybrid exercise of power, which is symbolized by the presence of the late Donald Rumsfeld on the boards of Monsanto and Gilead. The former company forces farmers to buy new seeds every year. This is because their plants do not reproduce on their own. The second company is the manufacturer of the ineffective anti-Covid drug Remdesivir, which the EU and many countries around the world bought in billions at a price of 2,000 euros per treatment. Both products destabilize the natural immune system, once in plants and once in humans.

The supra-national structures, such as the un-elected WHO, on the other hand, enjoy immunity from prosecution and operate without independent monitoring committee. Aneel Hegde has now formulated a sensational question in the Indian parliament. How much impact can he have on Indian decision-makers?


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Students Against Mandates | Julie Pranger — Western University students speaks up

How was it 2023 in Canadian universities?

Julie Pranger, a Western University student studying Physiotherapy, talks about that.


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Media is too big
Dr. Walter Weber in the crossfire

The doctor is on trial for issuing medical certificates. The doctor followed his conscience. He is threatened with financial and professional ruin. We will report on the trial.

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