Patriotic Alternative Wales
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Attention all Patriotic Alternative Activists! 📣

If you have purchased a Patriotic Alternative Membership, your packs are now in the post! You can expect your pack to arrive early next week. We hope you love them as much as we do.

Membership is currently available for our officers and activists only so please speak with your Regional Organiser if you’d like to get one for yourself. We will be rolling this out to the public within the next two weeks.
PA Wales activists have posted 300 leaflets in Llanelli where there is massive public opposition to the dumping of migrants in the Stradey Park Spa Hotel.
Today in Welsh History... 29 May, Whit Monday, the Laugharne Common Walk is held every three years on a Whit Monday, when the people of the town, led by the Portreeve and the officials of the Court, retrace the town’s ancient boundaries. The walk, which is between 22 and 24 miles takes in fields, hedges, streams, ditches and a bog, takes eight to nine hours.

The principle of walking around a town's boundaries goes back to a time when there were no maps or legal documents to define ownership of land. Also, many of the names of places along the Laugharne Common Walk, such as Spring Mead, Merry Moor, Beggars Bush, Cuckoo, Kite Rock, and Knaves Lane, are of ancient origin. However, the first written evidence of the walk comes from the Minutes of the Corporation, which date continuously from 1711, and it is known for certain that the walk has been held every three years since then.
An update from people on the ground in Llanelli. Over 400 locals attended a public meeting and made it clear that they do not want unvetted male migrants dumped in the Stradey Park Hotel. They are threatening to block the entrance to the hotel. So much for Wales being a "nation of sanctuary" eh? Our activists have leafletted the area but we are going to leave it to the locals to fight this as they seem to be doing well on their own and we don't want to allow the media to paint it as "far right". If it still goes ahead after all we will be calling a demo.
PA Wales decided to have a Spring Clean drive of its streets and surrounding areas for the month of May.

PA Wales activists were out and about litter picking in their communities right across the Principality to help keep our streets and the beautiful Welsh countryside clean and tidy.

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To attend future events email:
[email protected]
We're LIVE!! 🔥

Patriotic Alternative are happy to announce that our Membership trial is now complete and it is now open to the public.


For £36 per year you are now able to become a Member of Patriotic Alternative and help take us to the next level! All Members will receive a Membership Pack, a Membership Card and a unique Membership Number.
Today in Welsh history... 3 June 1808, Jefferson Davis (of Welsh descent with both of his paternal grandparents from Snowdonia) was born in Christian County, Kentucky.

Davis was leader of the Confederacy during the American Civil War, serving as the first and only President of the Confederate States of America. Davis was a popular President with the Southern people. He had a dignified bearing, a distinguished military record, extensive experience in political affairs, and—most importantly—a dedication to the Confederate cause. Davis wrote about his wartime experiences. Entitled The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, his two-volume book was published in 1881.
On another fine summer’s day here in Wales, PA Wales activists gathered to enjoy breakfast together and then visit the picturesque Cyfarthfa Castle, Merthyr Tydfil. Commissioned and built in 1824-25 for ‘The Ironmaster’ William Crawshay II, Cyfarthfa is one of the best examples of a 19th-century country residence to have survived in South Wales.

Historic culture, good food and good company combined in a convivial and informative outing for these PA Wales activists.

Get involved!

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To attend future events email:
[email protected]
Forwarded from Welsh Nationalist (Joe Marsh)
So Wales is in a housing emergency. We can't house our own people, yet the Welsh Government has decided we are to become "a Nation of Sanctuary" for the world's waifs and strays. This is like feeding next doors kids while your own kids starve. Utter madness.
We tried to deliver a letter today to the Head of health care of Swansea prison regarding the lack of medication being provided to Sven. They refused to accept it and said it has to be posted with a stamp. Last we heard he hadn't been able to use the toilet for a week and had an appointment with a GP Friday. No news since. They told us on the phone to bring in a letter then they refuse to take it.
Wales online lying that the people of Llanelli support the dumping of migrants on them. They definitely do not. Full report on today's anti migrant demo coming soon.
After leafletting the area, PA Wales activists joined other groups, and an impressive turnout of over 100 locals, to protest the Home Office’s plans to house up to 300 illegal migrants at Stradey Park Hotel, Llanelli. A tiny contingent of ‘bussed in’ lefties from Swansea and Cardiff stood about uselessly to counter-protest.

Along with shocked locals, the leader of Carmarthenshire Council has said he is “outraged”: “I call on the hotel owners to reconsider their position and stop this from progressing.” Even the Labour MP for Llanelli, Nia Griffith (an ‘open borders’ advocate), may have been discomfited by the proximity of the site to her own home, and said: “I... oppose any such proposal very vigorously...”

PA Wales will continue to monitor the situation and lend our support to the people of Llanelli.

Get involved!

Play your part:

To attend future events email:
[email protected]
Forwarded from Sam Melia

On May 15th 2023 James Allchurch a.k.a Sven Longshanks was jailed for 2.5 years. He was on trial for a series of podcasts he put out years ago, the claim being he intended to incite racial hatred with those broadcasts.

On 15 May 2023, James Allchurch a.k.a Sven Longshanks was jailed for 2.5 years. He was on trial for a series of podcasts he put out years ago, the claim being that he intended to incite racial hatred with those broadcasts.

Years after their release, with no-one having suffered from those broadcasts, no-one citing them as a basis for any hate crime and without even a single complaint from the public, the British state raided James's home and arrested him.
After an extensive investigation and delayed trial, James was found guilty on multiple counts, despite some jurors originally saying this case should be tossed out entirely.

Adding insult to injury: the judge who jailed Sven, one Huw Rees, has REPEATEDLY let paedophiles walk free, yet chose to jail a nationalist over spoken words.

This fundraiser is raising money for Sven while he is held as a political prisoner of the tyrannical British state. Money will be sent to his commissary funds while he is inside and to help him find his feet upon his release.

If you'd prefer to use cash: PO Box 275, Pudsey, LS28 0FQ - Please specify it's for James Allchurch

GiveSendGo currently take 5% of all online donations so don't feel obliged to add a tip.
Forwarded from Welsh Nationalist (Joe Marsh)
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Update on the situation in Llanelli. Residents have blocked the entrance road to the hotel with rocks to stop coaches getting in.
Forwarded from Welsh Nationalist (Joe Marsh)
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News report on the boulders at Llanelli
Today in Welsh history... 7 June 1919, race riots erupted in Newport.

The riots were initiated when, according to the South Wales News at the time:

“A coloured man is said to have made an offensive remark to a white woman, an altercation ensued, a crowd gathered, and later, wholesale fighting developed.”

The paper’s headline read:

“Disturbances at Newport. Pitched Battles Between White and Black Mobs. 20 COLOURED MEN LODGED IN USK PRISON. Feeling Against House and Job Snatching Against Aliens.”

In 1919 riots occurred all over the UK (mainly in port cities) following accusations of ‘grooming’ or ‘pimping’ of white women; taking jobs once reserved for the native British; taking over parts of the cities and towns; and all contributing to a growing atmosphere amongst the returning soldiers from the trenches of an indignant outrage with the post-war, domestic state of affairs.
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