Patriotic Alternative | Yorkshire
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Official channel of PA Yorkshire

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LIVE premiere of the 2022 PA Northern Conference speeches.

2pm Sunday 6th November

The first broadcast of this year's fantastic conference.

Speeches by Laura Towler, Alek Yerbury, Steve Blake, Steve Laws and Mark Collett in the order they were heard on the day, with livechat throughout.

All of the banter, none of the buffet.



Yesterday Yorkshire activists attended their own Remembrance day service at the York City War Memorial

A sombre service with words from both Mark Collett and ex-serviceman Alek Yerbury. They reminded us of the sacrifices made by those before us and lessons learnt.

Afterwards we laid a token of our respect at the foot of a monument dedicated to the memory of our fallen kin. We concluded the day with a meal together nearby.

Play your part:

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[email protected]
Not wasting any time. Fresh off the boat and already attempting to rape a child in Leeds.
Video from Yorkshire's 2022 Remembrance ceremony.

Thankyou to Coggins for your sterling work putting this together.
Today, Patriotic Alternative were out in the centre of Leeds speaking to the people about the malicious actions of our politicians and the false paradigm of the ‘left-right’ divide.

Funnily enough, Communists had picked out the same spot for a refugee fund raiser, I guess £7million a day from the taxpayer isn’t enough?

We setup in front of their shoddy little stall and spoke directly to the public while the Commies begged people not to listen.

Video to follow shortly.

Join us today and play your part
Because that’s the real takeaway from the census results, that some Whites have opted for British instead of specifically English. 🙄
Media is too big
Patriotic Alternative Vs. Stand Up To Racism

Patriotic Alternative's planned demonstration in Leeds city centre happened to be taking place at the exact time that Stand Up To Racism was having their 'Santa Knows No Borders' fundraiser for Care 4 Calais. Whoops!

Undeterred, activists setup shop in front of their amateur stall and delivered 3 speeches, at length, to the people of Leeds to much public support. We highlighted the corruption of our government, the failures of the Tories and, of course, the recent news that White Britons now make up only 74% of the population.

Anti-Whites attempted to drown us out but Big Bertha was in full effect, reverberating off surrounding buildings and shaking the Communists to the core! SUTR promptly had an 'emergency meeting' over our presence they were so traumatised. Of course, being the political dissidents they are, they were held their meeting inside Leeds Civic Hall... 🤔

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Forwarded from A Yerbury
Without a doubt the biggest win for me was watching, in the first 5 minutes, their delusion that everybody in the world agrees with them shattered. And the humiliation of it happening in front of hundreds and hundreds of people who, instead of helping them shout us down, just looked at them like they were absolute lunatics and in some cases even started having a go at them. It's no surprise they went into meltdown a day later.
Busy day on Saturday!

After a quick roundabout banner demo opposite the Windmill Hotel in Seacroft, Leeds we had to shoot off for our annual Christmas dinner. Loads of support from passers-by, even more than the last time we demo'd the same hotel almost 2 years ago! That hotel has now been occupied for 3 years!

Both events were well attended and it felt like a real celebration in the restaurant, we've achieved so much in 2022!

Get involved as we've got big plans for 2023.

Help support PA and the work we do.
We all know that times are tough, the nights are long and the cold is biting harder than ever.
The homeless within our cities have little to eat and often nowhere to sleep.

Our activist put together a selection of food parcels and assorted clothing and set off round Leeds to distribute the packages. The waterproof survival bags were especially appreciated as many would not have a place to spend the night.

We would like to thank all those who gave their time and donated money and goods to ease the situation for many of the worst off in our country.
Today is the anniversary of the BATTLE OF WAKEFIELD.

On December 30th, 1460, the heirs of the Lancastrian Nobles killed at St. Albans found themselves in a position to avenge their fathers' deaths when their army trapped the Duke of York and Earl of Salisbury in Sandal Castle, near Wakefield.
Lured out from the safety of the castle walls and into open battle, York's heavily outnumbered force found themselves surrounded and, in the fierce melee that followed, York and many of his followers lost their lives, his son, Edmund, among them.

The Earl of Salisbury was captured and taken to Pontefract by the Duke of Somerset where he was summarily executed, his head joining those of the other Yorkist leaders over the gates of York.

However, the Lancastrian triumph was to be short lived, for they were almost totally annihilated three months later at the battle of Towton.
TikTok and Fitness: The Rise of Wellness Trends on the Platform